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' mark

 [1/3] from: keckman:welho at: 7-Aug-2010 23:09

Why there must be that ' -mark in front of draw functions? append plot reduce [ 'fill-pen ((r * (1.0.0)) + (g * (0.1.0)) + (b * (0.0.1))) 'polygon xy xy0 xy1 xy2 xy ] What does it mean?

 [2/3] from: ammon:johnson:gma:il at: 7-Aug-2010 13:21

That's a lit-word. It keeps the word from being interpreted whilst allowing you to use variables in the draw block without having to do any fancy tricks to make them work. Enjoy!! ~~ Ammon ;~> On Aug 7, 2010 1:14 PM, "Petri Keckman" <> wrote: Why there must be that ' -mark in front of draw functions? append plot reduce [ 'fill-pen ((r * (1.0.0)) + (g * (0.1.0)) + (b * (0.0.1))) 'polygon xy xy0 xy1 xy2 xy ] What does it mean?

 [3/3] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 7-Aug-2010 14:47

Hi Petri, PK> Why there must be that ' -mark in front of draw functions? PK> append plot reduce [ PK> 'fill-pen ((r * (1.0.0)) + (g * (0.1.0)) + (b * (0.0.1))) PK> 'polygon xy xy0 xy1 xy2 xy PK> ] As Ammon said, it can simplify things when using REDUCE. For example, using COMPOSE in your example would look like this: append plot compose [ fill-pen ((r * (1.0.0)) + (g * (0.1.0)) + (b * (0.0.1))) polygon (xy) (xy0) (xy1) (xy2) (xy) ] If you haven't already, read the manual where it discusses evalutation and the different word types ( It's a key to using REBOL effectively. And play around in the console to get a feel for how things work.
>> a: 1 b: 2 c: 3
== 3
>> blk: [a b c]
== [a b c]
>> reduce blk
== [1 2 3]
>> blk: ['a b c]
== ['a b c]
>> reduce blk
== [a 2 3] -- Gregg