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 [1/12] from: sieglec::hotmail::com at: 14-Jan-2004 9:44

Why is it I cannot make a directory from an assigned variable name? testVariable: "12312323" make-dir %testVariable<

 [2/12] from: Steven:White:ci:bloomington:mn:us at: 14-Jan-2004 9:16

The answer might be make-dir to-file testVariable Steven White City of Bloomington 1800 W Old Shakopee Rd Bloomington MN 55431-3096 USA 952-563-4882 (voice) 952-563-4672 (fax) [steven--white--ci--bloomington--mn--us]
>>> [sieglec--hotmail--com] 01/14/04 08:44AM >>>
Why is it I cannot make a directory from an assigned variable name? testVariable: "12312323" make-dir %testVariable

 [3/12] from: juan-carlos:miranda:thalesatm at: 14-Jan-2004 16:22

Chris Siegle wrote:
>Why is it I cannot make a directory from an assigned variable name? > >testVariable: "12312323" > >make-dir %testVariable >
make-dir to-file testVariable if you want to create a Directory names 12312323 (there must be other ways though. :) ). The way you do it, REBOL doesn't recognize the word testVariable but considers the variable %testVariable of type file!.

 [4/12] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 14-Jan-2004 9:38

Hi, Chris, Chris Siegle wrote:
> Why is it I cannot make a directory from an assigned variable name? > > testVariable: "12312323" > > make-dir %testVariable
The argument to MAKE-DIR should be a FILE! or URL! value, not a STRING! value.
>> ? make-dir
USAGE: MAKE-DIR path /deep DESCRIPTION: Creates the directory structure specified. MAKE-DIR is a function value. ARGUMENTS: path -- (Type: file url) REFINEMENTS: /deep (SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES) catch therefore, testVariable: "12312323" make-dir to-file testVariable should work for you (assuming you have write permissions in the current directory). -jn- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Joel Neely joelDOTneelyATfedexDOTcom 901-263-4446 Enron Accountingg in a Nutshell: 1c=$0.01=($0.10)**2=(10c)**2=100c=$1

 [5/12] from: sieglec:ho:tmail at: 14-Jan-2004 11:03

Thank you for everyone's assistance!

 [6/12] from: maximo:meteorstudios at: 14-Jan-2004 11:11

> -----Original Message----- > From: Juan-carlos MIRANDA [mailto:[juan-carlos--miranda--thalesatm--com]] > >make-dir %testVariable > > > > > make-dir to-file testVariable
also note that a word is of a file! datatype, then you can use it as the base of a path like so: root: %/c/tmp/ root/filename.txt == %/c/tmp/filename.txt -MAx

 [7/12] from: sieglec:h:otmail at: 14-Jan-2004 11:22

Does the same hold true for write/binary? Example: Temp: "FILENAME.TXT" write/binary Temp data

 [8/12] from: maximo:meteorstudios at: 14-Jan-2004 11:41

yes all file i/o need file specifications of type file! -MAx --- You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being part of the problem is much more fun.

 [9/12] from: maximo:meteorstudios at: 14-Jan-2004 12:40

sorry, I forgot to say that they all also support URL! Use the console's help as often as you can. its VERY usefull to know what a function needs, does and it gives you a good cue as to if this is really the function you are looking for... Really, adopting this philosophy answers a lot of questions for me. I still use help on the most basic functions time and time again, to be sure I don't miss any refinements. (sometimes those refinements aren't obvious, but once you've tried one, you generally, at least, rememeber what it does if you see it... I hadn't used all on mold so didn't get what it did). HTH! -MAx

 [10/12] from: ammon:addept:ws at: 14-Jan-2004 10:58

Yes, but the example you used still wouldn't work because your Temp variable holds a String! value rather than a File! value so you would still need to use TO-FILE. In most cases it would be better to just give your variable a File! value like so: Temp: %filename.txt That way you wouldn't have to convert it but if you need your variable to be a String! for some reason, just be sure to use TO-FILE like so: write/binary to-file Temp data HTH ~~Ammon ;->

 [11/12] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 14-Jan-2004 11:53

Hi Chris, CS> Does the same hold true for write/binary? You've gotten answers to this, but I'll add that one of the great benefits of REBOL is its wide array of datatypes. Using them effectively will make a big difference in how you use REBOL--not to mention how you think and feel about it. :)
>> help datatype!
in the console will get you a list of datatypes. Look them up in the Core docs and play with them to see how they work. Then look at how the pseudo-types work (things like series! or any-block!), and how you can use type-interrogation functions (e.g. any-string?, function?) to determine type. HTH! -- Gregg

 [12/12] from: sieglec:hotmai:l at: 14-Jan-2004 14:16

Many thanks!