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hash code for object ?

 [1/7] from: arngar::gmail::com at: 6-Jun-2007 14:13

Hello, Is there something like an hashcode for object in rebol as we have in java ? thanks arnaud

 [2/7] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 6-Jun-2007 9:40

Hi Arnaud, AG> Is there something like an hashcode for object in rebol as we have AG> in java ? Yes, REBOL has a hash! datatype, which has the same interface as a block!, but is (obviously) much faster for lookups. The only catch is that the behavior is *slightly* different than the block! type for some operations, so it's not a complete drop-in replacement in all cases, depending on how you use it. -- Gregg

 [3/7] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 6-Jun-2007 9:44

Hi Arnaud, AG> Is there something like an hashcode for object in rebol as we have in AG> java ? Forgot to include an example of how to make hash! values. You either need to to MAKE, TO, or the serialized format:
>> make hash! [1 2 3 4 5]
== make hash! [1 2 3 4 5]
>> to hash! [1 2 3 4 5]
== make hash! [1 2 3 4 5] There is also a list! type. Both hash! and list! are covered in the Core manual in more detail as well. -- Gregg

 [4/7] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 6-Jun-2007 8:36

On Wednesday 06 June 2007, Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi Arnaud, > AG> Is there something like an hashcode for object in rebol as we have in
<<quoted lines omitted: 7>>
> There is also a list! type. Both hash! and list! are covered in the > Core manual in more detail as well.
Python has a dictionary type, which is sort of a hash implemented as a btree. One of the gotchas can be illustrated as follows:
>> H: make hash! [4 1 1 4]
== make hash! [4 1 1 4]
>> select H 1
== 1 ;; if you think of 'H as a series of pairs, the python corollary would ;; return 4 ;; The fix would be:
>> first select/skip H 1 2
== 4 ;; which is easily implemented in a function such as: mate: def["Finds an odd-numbered value in a series" " and returns the value after it (the 'mate')" [catch] b[series!] v[any-type!]][ res: select/skip b v 2 either block? res[first res][res] ] ;; Note my use of 'def and the multiple docstring :-) tim

 [5/7] from: tim-johnsons:web at: 6-Jun-2007 8:43

On Wednesday 06 June 2007, Tim Johnson wrote:
> ;; which is easily implemented in a function such as: > mate: def["Finds an odd-numbered value in a series"
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> ] > ;; Note my use of 'def and the multiple docstring :-)
Oh, and one other thing, 'mate has not been tested on a 'hash type.

 [6/7] from: arngar:gm:ail at: 6-Jun-2007 19:15

Oops ! sorry I was not thinking about an hashmap, I mean an object hash code: sorry if I was not clear ;-( Le 6 juin 07 =E0 17:40, Gregg Irwin a =E9crit :

 [7/7] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 6-Jun-2007 14:28

Hi Arnaud, AG> Oops ! sorry I was not thinking about an hashmap, I mean an object AG> hash code: AG> AG> sorry if I was not clear ;-( Simple miscommunication on both sides. :) What you're probably after is the CHECKSUM func. If you need to use it on an object, you'll need to FORM or MOLD it first. -- Gregg

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