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This one! :-)

 [1/11] from: carl::cybercraft::co::nz at: 8-Nov-2001 12:48

On 06-Nov-01, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
> dennis wrote: >> someone at rebol correct me but:
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> 2) only Rebol/Core was ported to VP, not Rebol/View, which is - what > I am referring to ...
Isn't the Zaurus Linux-based? If so, why make a REBOL port to it go through AmigaDE when it could just be on top of Linux?
> -pekr- >> ----- Original Message -----
<<quoted lines omitted: 31>>
>> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >> subject, without the quotes.
-- Carl Read

 [2/11] from: nomoreshoes:btopenworld at: 8-Nov-2001 0:18

i ment basing it on taos elate - which is a finished product that can run on many cpus. it would allow the rebol team to maintain one executable that ran on many cpu`s unmodified. whether thats a good decision is upto they would have the time to investigate just how good an idea it is. one rebol executable to maintain that runs on epoc winCE and linux handhelds ... that sounds good to me - seeing as pda sales are a bit slow taking off like was predicted up till a year or so ago.

 [3/11] from: carl:cybercraft at: 8-Nov-2001 14:18

On 08-Nov-01, dennis wrote:
> i ment basing it on taos elate - which is a finished product that > can run on many cpus. it would allow the rebol team to maintain one
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> handhelds ... that sounds good to me - seeing as pda sales are a bit > slow taking off like was predicted up till a year or so ago.
I realise the advantages of doing it, though like porting REBOL to Java you'd be piggybacking along on what is your natural competition - ie, another cross-platform "solution". Tao provide a Java and their "Media" (GUI, graphics, etc) as well, so they look to me like direct competition to REBOL. Of course, if Tao would like REBOL running on Elate, then no problem. (;
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Carl Read" <[carl--cybercraft--co--nz]>
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
>> Isn't the Zaurus Linux-based? If so, why make a REBOL port to it >> go through AmigaDE when it could just be on top of Linux?
-- Carl Read

 [4/11] from: nomoreshoes:btopenworld at: 8-Nov-2001 1:40

java [ optionally ] runs on top of elate ... so its a option to replace java .. and i believe rebol is smaller and faster so that could be good.

 [5/11] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 8-Nov-2001 8:03

Yes, Rebol for Tao, Rebol for JAVA! Even SAP guys are moving towards java. One of next versions will allow to program SAP apps in Java, so ABAP programming will not be necessarily needed here. Well - what am I pointing into? Most corporate environments support Java to some extent - e.g. Lotus Domino allows programming in Lotus Scrip, and - JAVA. I think that Rebol for Java would be good strategic decision, but that's just my opinion ... -pekr- dennis wrote:

 [6/11] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 6-Nov-2001 8:05

Hi, everyone of us wish to use Rebol/View on some PDA. Most of them lack keyboards. SharpZaurus seems to be able to run AmigaDE, and it would be cool, if Rebol/View would run here too. It is the most popular PDA in Japan for e.g. nowadays: (use numbers from 1 to 7 at the end of url) Cheers, -pekr-

 [7/11] from: nomoreshoes:btopenworld at: 6-Nov-2001 10:45

someone at rebol correct me but: the amigaDE [tao/elate] version of rebol should run on that PDA already

 [8/11] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 6-Nov-2001 12:15

dennis wrote:
> someone at rebol correct me but: > > the amigaDE [tao/elate] version of rebol should run on that PDA already >
Well,: 1) AmigaDE is still vapor, sorry. The only available thing for Zaurus seems to be AmigaDE player iirc 2) only Rebol/Core was ported to VP, not Rebol/View, which is - what I am referring to ... -pekr-

 [9/11] from: nomoreshoes:btopenworld at: 6-Nov-2001 12:11

well i dont have a zarus so not up to speed on whats done with rebol, saw it in passing only. as that would make a nice developer kit for all pdas running pocketPC/winCE that would be great!! apps that ran over wireless network from ur PDA coded in something simple like rebol ... WOW maybe u should mail someone direct about view for elate - it sure is one app that would make the zarus very appealling to me if i ever get me head round view completely.

 [10/11] from: rishioswal:y:ahoo at: 6-Nov-2001 15:36

intent does not appear to run on the developer version. Looks like they are using the jeode vm. I suppose this means that Amiga DE will not work for this device. rishi --- dennis <[Nomoreshoes--btopenworld--com]> wrote:

 [11/11] from: rishioswal:yaho:o at: 6-Nov-2001 15:38

By the way, if you want more detailed info on this device, check out: you have to register though to get the details... rishi --- dennis <[Nomoreshoes--btopenworld--com]> wrote:

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