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Text markup Dialect

 [1/11] from: inetw3::mindspring::com at: 14-Apr-2006 15:32

Hello ML, Does anyone know if Carl ever released a standerd TMD? On he submitted a starting point, but i have not seen any follow up. I know this is not a priority, especially with Rebol 3.0 starting up. It would be nice to script a Rebol DOM mapped to a standerd Rebol Text Markup Language that could be mapped to xhtml, xml, etc.

 [2/11] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 14-Apr-2006 15:06

[TMD rich-text] Text markup Dialect

i> Does anyone know if Carl ever released a standerd TMD? Not AFAIK. -- Gregg

 [3/11] from: rasmussen::bryan::gmail::com at: 19-Apr-2006 11:06

Re: Text markup Dialect

Why not take YAML and then develop a seperate syntax for styling YAML input. On 4/14/06, inetw3 <> wrote:

 [4/11] from: Paavo:Nevalainen:saunalahti:fi at: 19-Apr-2006 18:31

At 12:06 PM 4/19/2006, you wrote:
>Why not take YAML and then develop a seperate syntax for styling YAML input
Thanks for sending this.. I got sold! Will implement one lightweight data storage using this format, since it is easier to let users (who are daring enough in this case) to edit it straight in the file. (I will not implement but a subset of it). To me, this is more a data serialisation format than a text markup format.

 [5/11] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 19-Apr-2006 10:07

>>Why not take YAML and then develop a seperate syntax for styling YAML input
PN> To me, this is more a data serialisation format than a text markup format. YAML is for data serialization. I've looked at it a bit, as it seems at first glance to be a nice format. On further inspection, I decided that it was more complex, and less elegant, the deeper you get into the spec. I'd like to hear if someone else has used it successfully, and how they think it compares to native REBOL format for real-world use. -- Gregg

 [6/11] from: rasmussen:bryan:gmai:l at: 19-Apr-2006 22:46

well I agree it is complex, at some level complexity must be introduced for things that are considered to meet data serialization needs on an international basis. I fear there is no getting around that. At any rate YAML is less complex than XML. The benefit of YAML for Rebol is, I believe, simply that it was not invented specifically for Rebol. I think Rebol suffers somewhat from NIH syndrome, as far as data formats go (lots of arguments about how Rebol itself is a data format), and I think at some level below surface it has harmed Rebol in the minds of developers choosing languages. On 4/19/06, Gregg Irwin <> wrote:

 [7/11] from: ale870::gmail::com at: 19-Apr-2006 23:01

Hi all, I follow Rebol from a lot of time, but only now I'm starting to study it seriously. I like really so much this language (very useful, very functional ;-) ). I think YAML could be a good solution for Rebol, even because YAML syntax seems much "compatible" with Rebol syntax (I think YAML is Rebol-friendly). On 4/19/06, bryan rasmussen <> wrote:

 [8/11] from: massung:g:mail at: 19-Apr-2006 16:10

I haven't followed this thread in its entirety. However, why not just use REBOL as the data carrier? Is there any particular reason to use XML (which is an absolutely terrible data format, but I digress) or YAML? Why write an INI parser in REBOL instead of just loading up data that looks like this: bob: jane: jane-somewhere.else The only reason to not use REBOL would be if you are dealing with an existing format, or dealing with a format that needs to be shared across different programs (of which some are not REBOL). Jeff M. --

 [9/11] from: ale870:g:mail at: 19-Apr-2006 23:17

Yes you agree. Maybe that general format could create some problems when one try to exchange data from Rebol (e.g.: client application) and a server (e.g.: java, php, etc...). Actually, I'm creating a client rebol over a server Java (Jboss). I partially solved the problem about datya exchange in this way: java-server creates formats for rebol, and rebol send data to server (java) creating xml. It works, but it is not really the best solution (not much elegant, a little bit confusing for maintenance, etc....). --Alessandro On 4/19/06, Jeff Massung <> wrote:

 [10/11] from: SunandaDH:aol at: 19-Apr-2006 17:36

> Why write an > INI parser in REBOL instead of just loading up data that looks like this:
Because I needed one for ini format data: But I suspect that wasn't your main point :-) I can sympathise with some weariness at the thought of yet another text markup dialect language. It seems at times as if everyone in the world has invented their own. (And yes, I invented my own too. I'm as culpable as everyone else). But there are reasons for that. Including that different people are happy using different mark up languages. If you check out the contributed discussion posts and script documentation at You should spot from the telltale signs that people are using at least five different mark-up languages. And all of them have ML to HTML converters, and is happy to accept contributions in any of them: it's the client's choice, not the servers. And if / when someone writes a REBOL YAML, then I hope they'll let us use that at the Library too. Sunanda.

 [11/11] from: massung::gmail::com at: 19-Apr-2006 17:31

Sunanda, I don't think writing or using markup languages is a bad thing. And if your project requires an existing data carrier format (INI, XML, UML, whatever) for whatever your various reasons may be, by all means, write a parser for it (in REBOL, of course). My point was more towards the end of "if you are starting fresh, and want to use a text format to transmit data, why on earth not just leverage what's already in front of you instead of working to create something new?" Now, I'm not saying this is the case, but in my experience, programmers have a tendency to enjoy writing scripting languages, ML formats, engines, and anything else except a solution to the problem at hand. :] Jeff M. On 4/19/06, <> wrote:
> Jeff: > > Why write an
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