Status of SEND function
[1/8] from: btiffin:rogers at: 30-Apr-2007 21:38
Before I dig deeper, I thought I'd ask the august members of this list
What is the status of SEND and the SMTP protocol in regards to ESMTP
(authenticated servers in particular) and the 2.7.5 (and other) releases?
Brian Tiffin
[2/8] from: gregg::pointillistic::com at: 30-Apr-2007 20:26
Hi Brian,
BT> What is the status of SEND and the SMTP protocol in regards to ESMTP
BT> (authenticated servers in particular) and the 2.7.5 (and other) releases?
I just checked, and I'm still using Cesar's patch, but I don't know if
it's required anymore. Gabriele, Graham, or Phil Bevan might know
-- Gregg
[3/8] from: santilli::gabriele::gmail::com at: 1-May-2007 13:50
2007/5/1, Gregg Irwin <>:
> BT> What is the status of SEND and the SMTP protocol in regards to ESMTP
> BT> (authenticated servers in particular) and the 2.7.5 (and other) releases?
> I just checked, and I'm still using Cesar's patch, but I don't know if
> it's required anymore. Gabriele, Graham, or Phil Bevan might know
> more.
All the functionality in Cesar's patch should already be builtin in
2.7.5. Just use SET-NET to set your ESMTP user name and password.
(Note, I don't have a way to test ESMTP with auth, so any testers are welcome.)
[4/8] from: btiffin::rogers::com at: 1-May-2007 14:51
Thanks gentlemen,
Saved me some poking about time. And Gabriele I report
back some tests.
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 07:50, Gabriele Santilli wrote:
[5/8] from: btiffin::rogers::com at: 1-May-2007 17:38
Authenticated ESMTP works with SEND.
Except, it exposes a password in set-net block, unless you use 'ask for esmtp
user. Cool.
Under the conditions of
set-net [email host pop proxy-host proxy-port proxy-type 'ask none]
send email "test^/another test"
prompts three times for username and password. Functional, but not
friendly. You only need to type in the information on the last
of the three prompts. I didn't try first only, second only combos.
After the first, SEND works without prompt.
set-net with esmtp user and password strings (not using 'ask none) works
but as noted above, exposes a password. It can be buried from simple
prying eye passes with trickery of course...
set-net compose [ ... "esmtp-user" (to string! decloak
#{ABABABABAB} "cloakkey")] works, but it still exposes
passwords to the REBOL savvy.
Anyway, I can use Phil Bevan's readmail.r to much greater effect
now. Thanks for that.
REBOL/View testing.
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 14:51, Brian Tiffin wrote:
[6/8] from: santilli:gabriele:gm:ail at: 2-May-2007 11:50
2007/5/1, Brian Tiffin <>:
> prompts three times for username and password. Functional, but not
> friendly.
Please make sure this is on RAMBO.
You could workaround by asking for the password in user.r or in your
application, then using SET-NET without 'ASK.
[7/8] from: btiffin:rogers at: 2-May-2007 12:02
Thanks for the tip.
One of the trials I did included trapping SEND, prompting and calling
I think I'll call SET-NET and set the esmtp-user to 'ask and pass to none
after each use of SEND. system/schemes/esmtp may inadvertently show
up somewhere, somehow.
This is leaps and bounds past previous SEND usability, since the
cable modem, and once again, thanks for that. Mr. Chavez's patch
was handy, but this is handier.
And thanks too to Cesar, his patch once helped me save face when
showing off REBOL. I hadn't experienced a need for AUTH, it broke in
front of someone, 10 minutes later, the patch was in, worked, and
my face was back to its natural, ummm, state...I'll say state.
On Wednesday 02 May 2007 05:50, Gabriele Santilli wrote:
[8/8] from: btiffin:rogers at: 2-May-2007 20:57
I put it in as a bug, could be a wish, as it really isn't much more than an
annoyance. Please note the wish (in the possible fix section) that the
system/schemes/esmtp/pass is stored as 'ASK or at least obfuscated.
On Wednesday 02 May 2007 05:50, Gabriele Santilli wrote: