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Running rebol scripts / web host

 [1/2] from: vonj::peoplepc::com at: 19-Feb-2002 2:00

I'm interested in playing with some CGI scripts by utilizing my current web hosting company. I have cgi-bin access, and my host is running Red Hat Linux 7.1, i686. I created a "rebol" folder in the same directory as my "public_html" folder. I uncompressed the core042.tar.gz and uploaded the "rebol" file 280k via ftp ascii. I set the "rebol" file chmod for 755, I guess I should do the same for the "rebol" folder, right? Besides putting my rebol scripts in my cgi-bin folder and correct path header, is the last thing I need to be concerned about is having my host set the server to recognize the ".r" extension as an executable script or are there other major concerns??? Thank you in advance for your help. --Von

 [2/2] from: chalz:earthlink at: 19-Feb-2002 23:30

Here's how I did it Von. The structure on my host is that I've got my home dir, which is /home/chalz (or just ~chalz). Under that is ~chalz/www which contains cgi-bin, htdocs and logs. When someone tries my site ( - I'm not actually advertising, there isn't much there at all), what they receive is ~chalz/www/htdocs/index.html .. however, when they access what they access is ~chalz/www/cgi-bin/roll .. I have REBOL in ~chalz/rebol with the perms -rwxr--r-x on the rebol executable, while the dir itself is drwxr-xr-x. the roll script (which does not need a .r extension - any extension will do) has perms -rwxr-xr-x (I'd put these in numeric format, but I forget which is which). That's it. My script is basically plain old /Core REBOL code, with this exception at the very head of the file: [12] 21:30:01 <[chalz--speedy]:~/www/cgi-bin> more roll #!/home/chalz/rebol/rebol --cgi REBOL [ Title: "Die Roller" Date: 11-Jan-2002 ... That's it. You have to print something like: print "Content-Type: text/plain^/" before other output, or the browser may not interpret the output properly. I can actually execute ./roll and it will work fine. Other than this, I would recommend not leaving REBOL in your public_html folder (possible security issues), and would either upload it via binary, or download it while logged into the shell (using lynx, if you have it). My sysadmin needed to do absolutely *nothing*. As far as he knows, I'm using Perl for my CGI. Never touched Apache. Hope this helps. I'm far from an expert on this matter - I'm just relaying what I know, and what works for me. --Charles