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'launch and scripts running other scripts.

 [1/14] from: reboler:programmer at: 19-Dec-2001 23:07

If I enter the following at the REBOL console, then the button works. view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] If I save this as a REBOL script, and run it, then the button doesn't work. Seems like a bug to me. If this is a security issue then 'launch could be configured to always 'ask? Anyway, I would like to be able to run a script that has, as one part, something similar to the above. I cannot use "'do script", because then the original script exits and the script designated by 'script runs. I have tried various combinations of script: load file (or load/next or load/all) view/new script (or view/new layout [do script]) Or even parse file [from 'layout copy script to 'view] script: layout script view/new script Nothing seems to work. *** Perhaps I should try some sort of face/pane operation? But I would still need some way to interactively layout the script and then "view/new script". *** *** Please, I need ideas on how to run an arbitrary script from a View face button, while keeping the original face open.*** (I am choosing the script from a text-list) Essentially, I want a View script that will interactively run other scripts while remaining open. 'launch is almost what I need. Any ideas? BTW: the following works when I enter simple text into the field, such as "area" or "text {trial field} field" view layout [f: field button [view/new layout to-block f/text]]

 [2/14] from: jasonic:cunliffe:verizon at: 19-Dec-2001 11:58

Alan I tried 'launch and it works for me. I wrote a launch-test.r script: REBOL [] view layout [ button "imagine" [launch %imagine.r] button "quit" [unview/all] ] My %imagine.r does a number of things, so is a good test I think: uses request-file to select a PNG file, then extract and execute an embedded rebol script, opening another window printing the output if the embedded script if needs be. The nice thing is I can keep on doing this as long as I liek becuase launch-test gui is just sitting their independently :-) Just what I think we both needed. That is how it behaves when I run it from within the _same_ directory it starts from: do %launch-test.r But when I move it somewhere else in the directory structure, for example: do %../tools/launch-test.r then I do have a obvious problem. REBOL/View looks for a REBOL installation in ../tools directory and if it does not find it, then throws up its installation GUI [the first time]. The next time it will run dierctly as it finds rebol.exe in ../tools. This behavior is something generally I still don't understand about REBOL/View [Win98se]. Namely why and when REBOL/View plants more versions of rebol.exe all over the file structure. I don't know if my config is damaged, or if there is a simple refinement or script param needed to avoid this. I hope this is some help to you, and that we both get sorted soon. cheers ./Jason ----- Original Message ----- From: "alan parman" <[reboler--programmer--net]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 10:07 AM Subject: [REBOL] 'launch and scripts running other scripts.
> If I enter the following at the REBOL console, then the button works. > > view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] > > If I save this as a REBOL script, and run it, then the button doesn't
> Seems like a bug to me. If this is a security issue then 'launch could be
configured to always 'ask? [...snip...]

 [3/14] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 19-Dec-2001 10:17

Hi Alan, << If I enter the following at the REBOL console, then the button works. view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] If I save this as a REBOL script, and run it, then the button doesn't work.
It works fine for me here. I just put this in a file and double-clicked it (I'm running under W2K). REBOL [] view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] Are you doing something else? --Gregg

 [4/14] from: reboler:programmer at: 20-Dec-2001 2:50

Please pardon me if this is a repeat, I don't think the first one went through. ---------------------------------- If I enter the following at the REBOL console, then the button works. view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] If I save this as a REBOL script, and run it, then the button doesn't work. Seems like a bug to me. If this is a security issue then 'launch could be configured to always 'ask? Anyway, I would like to be able to run a script that has, as one part, something similar to the above. I cannot use "'do script", because then the original script exits and the script designated by 'script runs. I have tried various combinations of script: load file (or load/next or load/all) view/new script (or view/new layout [do script]) Or even parse file [from 'layout copy script to 'view] script: layout script view/new script Nothing seems to work. ***Perhaps I should try some sort of face/pane operation? But I would still need some way to interactively layout the script and then "view/new script".*** *** Please, I need ideas on how to run an arbitrary script from a View face button, while keeping the original face open.*** (I am choosing the script from a text-list) Essentially, I want a View script that will interactively run other scripts while remaining open. BTW: the following works when I enter simple text into the field, such as "area" or "text {trial field} field" view layout [f: field button [view/new layout to-block f/text]]

 [5/14] from: reboler:programmer at: 20-Dec-2001 2:54

Please pardon me if this is a repeat, I don't think the first one went through. ----- If I enter the following at the REBOL console, then the button works. view layout [button [launch %feedback.r]] If I save this as a REBOL script, and run it, then the button doesn't work. Seems like a bug to me. If this is a security issue then 'launch could be configured to always 'ask? Anyway, I would like to be able to run a script that has, as one part, something similar to the above. I cannot use "'do script", because then the original script exits and the script designated by 'script runs. I have tried various combinations of script: load file (or load/next or load/all) view/new script (or view/new layout [do script]) Or even parse file [from 'layout copy script to 'view] script: layout script view/new script Nothing seems to work. ***Perhaps I should try some sort of face/pane operation? But I would still need some way to interactively layout the script and then "view/new script".*** *** Please, I need ideas on how to run an arbitrary script from a View face button, while keeping the original face open.*** (I am choosing the script from a text-list) Essentially, I want a View script that will interactively run other scripts while remaining open. BTW: the following works when I enter simple text into the field, such as "area" or "text {trial field} field" view layout [f: field button [view/new layout to-block f/text]]

 [6/14] from: ammonjohnson:y:ahoo at: 19-Dec-2001 15:42

> This behavior is something generally I still don't understand about > REBOL/View [Win98se]. Namely why and when REBOL/View plants more versions
> rebol.exe all over the file structure. I don't know if my config is
> or if there is a simple refinement or script param needed to avoid this.
</snip> I also have this problem, but NOT with /View, with /Command. Why?? Thanks!! Ammon

 [7/14] from: hijim:pronet at: 20-Dec-2001 17:34

I tried the script you posted (with my own programs), but when I ran it, I got a REBOL Dialog box that says "Launch can only be used by launcher programs." The dialog box has an OK button. I don't get an error. I haven't read all of the posts on this subject. What did I miss? This would be a great way to collect all my programs into a menu. Thanks, Jim REBOL [] view layout [ button green / 1.8 "Registers" [launch %registers.r] button green / 1.8 "Text Editor" [launch %ed-70.r] button red "Quit" [unview/all] ] ----- Original Message ----- From: Jason Cunliffe <[jasonic--cunliffe--verizon--net]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Cc: <[reboler--programmer--net]>

 [8/14] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 21-Dec-2001 3:23

RE: [REBOL] Re: 'launch and scripts running other scripts. if you start rebol to run a script, launch is disabled after %user.r finishs. you have to go to console and start script from there by hand. seems its more meant to be an internal function for desktop than a general tool. -Volker [hijim--pronet--net] wrote:

 [9/14] from: jasonic:cunliffe:verizon at: 19-Dec-2001 20:07

> > This behavior is something generally I still don't understand about > > REBOL/View [Win98se]. Namely why and when REBOL/View plants more
> of > > rebol.exe all over the file structure. I don't know if my config is > damaged, > > or if there is a simple refinement or script param needed to avoid this. > </snip> > > I also have this problem, but NOT with /View, with /Command. Why??
Hi Ammon correction: I _am_ using /Command/View I do get them confused all the time, since it is hard to detect the difference between /View and /Command unless one is usign the extra features. Yes there is boot list of extra /Comamnd functions, but that soon recedes into sheel history. The fact your are having trouble too makes me less paranoid.. One of the most annoying things is the way it blindly creates the REBOL family of sub-folders. Not only is this an ironic waste of space [Rebol is rightly proud of its small footprint], but it @#$! confusing, espxecially to beginners. It also represents a big security threat on a server, where one might unintentioanlly end up with core executables in exposed places! I guess an antidote could be to write a little %sniff-rebol.r script to do routine cleanup of thus bug/feature. If it is a feature I wish there was decent README on it. It is really my #1 concern about distibuting REBOL/View programs to end-users, until I underatndn adn can control/prevent this accidental behaviour. If it is only a /Command/View problem, then I am less worried. Any ideas how to clear this mess up? Is it only a Windoze effect? ./Jason

 [10/14] from: jasonic:cunliffe:verizon at: 21-Dec-2001 0:35

> RE: [REBOL] Re: 'launch and scripts running other scripts. > if you start rebol to run a script, launch is disabled after %user.r
> you have to go to console and start script from there by hand. > seems its more meant to be an internal function for desktop > than a general tool.
Thanks.. ..damn yeah that's true :-( I guess the answer is to copy easy-vid: /rebol/view/public/ That works for the parts which don't need a shell window open Any other ideas? ./Jason

 [11/14] from: ammonjohnson:y:ahoo at: 31-Dec-2001 19:55

I actually think that it is a CGI special, but that is just what I think. ;-) It doesn't do with /view or /core so... Enjoy!! Ammon

 [12/14] from: bzr:francenet at: 1-Jan-2002 9:10

Hi, The macintosh version of rebol/view also insists on creating FIVE copies of the executable the first time it runs. It is very irritating, and I cannot find any reason for doing that. If you try to delete them, they are automatically re-created at the next run. The unix version has another ennoyance. When it runs for the first time, it apparently wants to rewrite the executable file. It is OK if you have your own version of the program, but if you install rebol in a well known directory (/bin or /usr/bin for example) for a public usage, rebol stops and complains about the rebol file being not found or not writable. RT says that rebol is very easy to install, just copy and run, but I do not agree. There seems to be a lot of unnecessary complicated things going on in our back, and there is not explanation of them anywhere. It is a pity because rebol is really a great language which I try to promote in my company, but I need arguments to refute criticisms against this strange behaviour.

 [13/14] from: holger:rebol at: 1-Jan-2002 10:43

On Tue, Jan 01, 2002 at 09:10:08AM +0100, Jean-Francois BOUZEREAU wrote:
> Hi, > The macintosh version of rebol/view also insists on
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> them, they are automatically re-created at the > next run.
This is necessary in order to support "launch". Unfortunately MacOS does not allow an application to run multiple processes from the same binary, so REBOL/View needs to duplicate the binary a few times in order to allow more than REBOL/View process to run simultaneously.
> The unix version has another ennoyance. When it > runs for the first time, it apparently wants to
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
> and complains about the rebol file being not > found or not writable.
This will be improved in the next version. Again, the reason is launch. For that REBOL/View needs to know where it is installed. At the moment the file that contains that information is ~/.rebol, in the user's home directory. If that file does not exist then REBOL/View assumes it has not been installed and attempts to copy the binary over to the installation directory. We realize this does not work well in the kind of situation you describe. There should probably be a file /etc/rebol.rc that contains the same kind of information as ~/.rebol, but system-wide, in situation where REBOL/View is installed by an administrator. Just for completeness: the installation information for Windows is contained in the Windows registry. For AmigaOS it is in L:.rebol
> RT says that rebol is very easy to install, just > copy and run, but I do not agree.
For /Core. For /View the situation is different because of features such as "launch". -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]

 [14/14] from: bzr:francenet at: 2-Jan-2002 14:33

Holger, Thank you for the informations about the launch process. Now that I see the full picture, I think I will encapsulate the rebol command into a shell script , in order to check for the existence of the .rebol file in the current user's directory, and set the environment expected by rebol, whenever it doesnt exist yet. Cheers

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