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 [1/4] from: jrichards::starband::net at: 30-Oct-2001 6:50

I know this is simple but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I am trying to find out how to evaluate a choice. test: choice "Test1" "Test2" "Test3" If the value of test = Test1 then Thanks for the help Jim Richards

 [2/4] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 30-Oct-2001 13:09

Hi, view layout [test: choice "Test1" "Test2" "Test3" button "value" [print test/text]] HTH, -pekr- Jim Richards wrote:

 [3/4] from: ammonjohnson:y:ahoo at: 30-Oct-2001 15:21

I think he was looking for 'switch test: "test1" switch test [ "test1" [print 'test1] "test2" [print 'test2] "test3" [print 'test3] ] Enjoy!! Ammon

 [4/4] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 31-Oct-2001 10:46

Or refer to the choice with 'face, in its action block. view/options layout [choice "test1" "test2" "3" [print face/text]] [resize] You can refer to face in the action block of all styles; button, icon, field etc..