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MS struggles sw complexity ...

 [1/2] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 19-Jun-2001 7:28,11011,2775862,00.html -pekr-

 [2/2] from: kenneth:nwinet at: 18-Jun-2001 23:47

Hi Pekr, Six month ago it was a forgone conclusion that the company I work for would be modifying code to be dotNet compatible. Now we don't see ourselves ever leaving VB6. Recently, I met a local programmer that bought Delphi a few years back like I did and we're going to get together with a few others in a study group. Delphi is technically a better product, but they could learn some ease of use issues from M$. I attended a dotNet seminar in Seattle a while back where they all seemed spooked by Java more than anything else, but what got my attention was that dotNet consists of about 6500 new objects. There's something wrong here. I expect this storm has only begun to brew. Ken. I don't ask for much... I just want conceptually simple and powerfully capable.