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dynamic choice menus?

 [1/3] from: rishioswal::yahoo::com at: 15-Jul-2001 18:17

everytime i think i'm done with questions...i have more.. i am trying to dynamically build a choice menu. Ideally all i would have to do is something like this: lectures: ["menu1" "menu2" "menu3"] ... choice lectures ... Unfortunately this does not work. I do know that the following works: ... choice lectures/1 lectures/2 lectures/3 ... but the problem is that I do not know how many strings the variable lecture will contain so this is not going to work either. Is their a solution to this problem? rishi

 [2/3] from: rishioswal::yahoo::com at: 16-Jul-2001 19:27

Re: dynamic choice menus? - data

wow! thank you very much. this solved the last of my problems! rishi --- Anton <[arolls--bigpond--net--au]> wrote:

 [3/3] from: arolls:bigpond:au at: 16-Jul-2001 15:14

> lectures: ["menu1" "menu2" "menu3"]
choice data lectures