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 [1/3] from: gchiu::compkarori::co::nz at: 3-Feb-2001 22:11

Perhaps I didn't notice it before, but I see that Link/Serve are now listed as in beta, and to contact dan@... Any qualifications on getting these? -- Graham Chiu

 [2/3] from: dan:rebol at: 5-Feb-2001 12:46

Hey Graham... I know you saw my earlier response, but for the rest of the list, we are setting up an evaluation server with Link for companies that are interested in licensing REBOL/Express. It should be ready soon. Thanks, Dan At 10:11 PM 2/3/01 +1300, you wrote:

 [3/3] from: pa:russo:perd at: 5-Feb-2001 22:49

>Hey Graham... > >I know you saw my earlier response, but for the rest of the list, we >are setting up an evaluation server with Link for companies that are >interested in licensing REBOL/Express. It should be ready soon. > >Thanks, > >Dan >
At long last! I for one am eager to try a commercial version of your products. Some more detailed tech info on your site wouldn't be bad too... Regards -- Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] _________________ PERD s.r.l. Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions