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POP and SMTP servers for yahoo accounts?

 [1/14] from: steve:shireman:semaxwireless at: 27-Aug-2001 6:47

Dumb question: Does anyone know of POP and SMTP server names for yahoo accounts (or other config magic for yahoo?) Thanks, Steve Shireman (YADT-yet another demo time)

 [2/14] from: andyyork:gte at: 27-Aug-2001 8:14 as I recall ay

 [3/14] from: smeagol:chemi:muni:cz at: 27-Aug-2001 14:26

Steve Shireman wrote:
> Dumb question: > Does anyone know of POP and SMTP server names for yahoo accounts (or > other config magic for yahoo?) > Thanks, > Steve Shireman (YADT-yet another demo time) >
Hi Steve, in my opinion the servers are as follows: Other magic can be found at
> -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Jan Kmunicek, e-mail: [smeagol--chemi--muni--cz] NCBR - National Centre for Biomolecular Research Kotlarska 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic Phone: +420-5-41129 588, Fax: +420-5-41129 506

 [4/14] from: steve:shireman:semaxwireless at: 27-Aug-2001 7:22

More: I see in the URL part of Netscape while in a yahoo account. But that name does not work using POP. I think I understand that yahoo mail is a roach motel (they want you to go to yahoo to have to download your email so you have to watch the ads. roach motel == "you can check in, but you can't check out" Anyone know for sure? Thanks, Steve Shireman Steve Shireman wrote:

 [5/14] from: ammoncooke:ya:hoo at: 27-Aug-2001 7:13

If you go check your mail on there you will find a link on the left hand side of the screen, options, on the options page it has a link, POP access & forwarding, there you will find the correct settings. I use & There is one gotcha, you need to set your email client to authenticate before sending mail. HTH Enjoy!! Ammon

 [6/14] from: steve:shireman:semaxwireless at: 27-Aug-2001 9:37

Ammon, Thanks for the tip, I think you are right. Somehow I had thought was the Pop server, so at least now I connect, but I get the error back: Net-log: [ ["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"] ** User Error: Server error: tcp -ERR invalid user/password ** Near: mailbox: read pop://xxxx:[xxxx--pop--mail--yahoo--com] ;I edited out the user pasword foreach msg
So 2nd Dumb Question: How do I get it to Authenticate?. (as I madly look through my Command book) TIA, Steve Shireman Oh, how can you be in two places at once, when you're not anywhere at aaalll... Firesign Theatre You're never alone with a schitzophrenic Ian Hunter Ammon Cooke

 [7/14] from: mario:cassani:icl at: 27-Aug-2001 15:48

Hi Steve,
> was the Pop server, so at least now I > connect, but I get the
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
> How do I get it to Authenticate?. (as I madly look through my > Command book)
take a look at rebmail group: you can find useful pieces of code about email, there. Zaijian Mario ============================================================ Mario Cassani PGP Key fingerprint: 9929 74CF 62E9 A7A4 60D6 05DC 8034 F354 ------------------------------------------------------------ RebMail:

 [8/14] from: ammoncooke:yah:oo at: 27-Aug-2001 8:56

I think that you have to go to the options page on the Yahoo! web site in order to 'turn on' the POP access. HTH, & enjoy the frustration! ;)) Ammon

 [9/14] from: steve:shireman:semaxwireless at: 27-Aug-2001 11:07

Ammon, Yes, that was it!! Thank you so much. I set the options for the yahoo account to POP access and my script works!. Nice to have such talent on line. Best regards, Steve Shireman Ammon Cooke wrote:

 [10/14] from: dvydra2::yahoo at: 27-Aug-2001 22:57

I am on a trip to Russia and I configured my Eudora to POP into yahoo but it started downloading messages starting with the oldest one. Without my DSL connection it proved quite annoying. Is there somethig in POP to force it to download the latest mail first? Regards, David ps but the most challenging part was remembering how to configure the modem to dial pulse :) --- Steve Shireman <[steve--shireman--semaxwireless--com]> wrote:
> Ammon, > Yes, that was it!! Thank you so much.
<<quoted lines omitted: 90>>
> > > > > > > >
> > > > Do You Yahoo!? > > > > Get your free address at
<<quoted lines omitted: 15>>
> > > >
> > Do You Yahoo!? > > Get your free address at
<<quoted lines omitted: 10>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
===== David Vydra david (at) vydra (dot) net

 [11/14] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 28-Aug-2001 8:19

Hi, hmm, the only one thing which seems to be traceable is port/locals, where you can find number of messages and their lengths ... I also wonder, if there is any possibility of better mailbox navigation. E.g. POP has to somehow register already read messages, as if I check "Let messages on server" in my Netscape mailer, then only new ones are downloaded, but once I get to another machine, all my emails are downloaded once again. Then, maybe, it is work of email client, which registers already read messages? -pekr- David Vydra wrote:

 [12/14] from: steve:shireman:semaxwireless at: 28-Aug-2001 7:56

David, This would be easy in Rebol: Since downloading email via POP is generally a two step process, first the email client reads the list and size of all emails, and then decides which of the emails in the list to download. The following code, stolen from page 272 of "Rebol for Dummies"
>> messages: read pop://username:[password--popprefix--yourdom--com]
connecting to:
>> length? messages ;just tells you how many emails are there.
== 13 Now, just read the last email in the series, and/or traverse the list backwards. (Chapter 15 of "Rebol for Dummies" gives ways to manipulate the emails, delete specific ones, filter, etc. Specifically pages 312 and 320 give some mailbox manipulation examples) Hope Ralph Roberts doesn't mind the book plug. More later if I have time, back to work. HTH, Steve Shireman So Russia has pulse dialing. Thought there was still some left in the world. Are there still pulse dial phones being produced? David Vydra wrote:

 [13/14] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 28-Aug-2001 14:57

Hi, but then, I just don't think Ralph is right :-) By using 'read you simply read all your mailbox email right to your machine. So, being it 10MB, you will wait till 10MB is downloaded - POP is not news protocol, right? The only one way of how to prevent download is to use 'open on your mailbox - then you can read total mb size, number of messages in it, and their respective sizes, but not subjects, from or any other field .... But maybe I am just wrong :-) Cheers, -pekr- Steve Shireman wrote:

 [14/14] from: deadzaphod:flyingparty at: 28-Aug-2001 6:22

I just took a look through the POP RFC (1725) to see how to deal with this. Here's a couple of functions to help (there's another feature that could be used for detected whether or not you already have a given message, but it would be more complex to add) ; like 'first on a pop port, but only gets the specified number of lines after the header pop-top: func [ port lines ] [ insert port/sub-port rejoin [ "TOP " pick port/locals/msg-nums port/state/index + 1 " " lines ] net-utils/confirm port/sub-port [ none "+OK" ] port/handler/read-til-dot port make string! 1024 ] ; the same as [ length? first port ] for a pop port, but doesn't download pop-size: func [ port ][ pick (extract next port/locals/sizes 2) port/state/index + 1 ]

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