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shell-meta-chars in linux?

 [1/1] from: nitsch-lists::netcologne::de at: 19-May-2002 13:41

Hi Joel and all, i want to have konqueror as rebol-browser. because its a file-manager too=2E i have $MOZILLA_HOME="" rebol sends something like -remote openURL(/home/volker/rebol/view/local/index.html, new-window), i translate it with a rebol-script and execute it, like a=`rebol translate-to-konq.r $1` eval "$a" i think its risky, because of an url like http://$(take-over-system) ? so i would like to mask the meta-chars to. but have no list of them, iam lazy, and i could overlook something. for a real perl/shell insider its a hint and a copy/paste of a char-list? hopefully Volker