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Makespec, OpenWeb, eText ??

 [1/1] from: robert::muench::robertmuench::de at: 17-Apr-2001 16:40

Hi, I'm currently using Makespec and it's really nice and easy to use. Of course I'm missing some features. Did anyone out there exteneded Makespec already? If so I would like to hear about it. IMO it doesn't make sense to develop several incomplatible "makespec" like programs, it would be better to combine all development efforts and ressources to one system and make it better for all of us. I like Makespecs simple approach and would be interested in extending it. I'm not sure how this fits into RTs process. RT crew, does it make sense to you or what process do you suggest? Here are some features I'm missing: 1. Tables 2. It should be possible to make a definition and inlcude some more structured line (with bullets, numbers, etc.) Like: :Definition - *This is the Definition text line 1 *This is the Definition text line 2 3. I have seen that it's possible to use +++ as well. But the numberring continues the numbering of --- and is not indented. Example: ===Test ---Test +++Test Will result in: 1. Test 1.1. Test 1.2. Test and not in: 1. Test 1.1. Test 1.1.1. Test Robert