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CRANe (WAS: RE: Reference docs update)

 [1/1] from: mario::cassani::icl::com at: 19-Jul-2001 16:21

> >We are working as hard as we can on the documentation for all levels > >of REBOL and all products. > > No surprise there I'm afraid. :-( > > Now before we run off with the complaining and > I told you so's I want to ask what can we do to > help RT and ourselves in the process. >
What about submitting as more material as we can to the /Zine? IIRC [Jeff--RT] is handling the /Zine so this can help RT. The most important thing, IMO, is to avoid duplication of submitted info, we have to find a way to organise orselves to join knowledge and efforts, something like a CVS of make-doc compliant texts, a make-doc2pdfmaker.r and a webboard to keep discussions about documentation and examples out of this list. The messages are already a lot without documentation and follow lots of threads will not that easy while a wwwboard can be a good archive usually accessed only by the ones who can help and only in the jobs they can be of any help. I was planning to make something like this in the past days, a CRAN(e) like CPAN for Perl, but I'm awfully busy. We should discuss at first how to avoid Perl's CPAN huge duplication of info and scripts. I was thinking about something like the Aminet: where everything is kept archived with a description (like in the Rebol Library) and you can subscribe to a mailing list that sends you a weekly report about new things. We can have both the documentation and the script library and RT can access, update, admin(?), give the webspace/domain(?) Here is the test site I tried to make in the last days (after someone posted a message about a CPAN like site for REBOL), but actually the CGI is not working (after my nighttime improvements ): a page very similar to the /Zine but with a crane (not a star) as a logo, as soon as I kill the bug... A lot of work must be done, if someone wants to help he is welcome, I can give the password to change the site to 3 or 4 people, not more (it's not safe), we can start to make the site skeleton and base tools while RT tells something more about documentation. The Rebsite is not ready too but for the layout: all icons are not working and, again, the layout is similar to the Textimage Rebsite but for the logo... :P Gosh! It took to much time to write this, hope it helps Nimenhao Mario PS I will change the layouts if the authors of the original sites don't like me to use it...