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How to access folders other than inbox in mail

 [1/4] from: grantwparks::yahoo::com at: 24-Sep-2000 20:36

How does one read other folders besides "inbox" using mail? TIA

 [2/4] from: brett:codeconscious at: 26-Sep-2000 0:47

I'm assuming your are talking about accessing mail via Rebol. Rebol does not define any mail folders. In your email client, let's say it is Outlook Express, you have an inbox, sent items, outbox, etc. These are things Outlook Express define and create. They represent local storage on your computer. In Outlook Express you could access internet mail via two protocols POP3 or IMAP. POP3 is the most popular one and is the one you would use by default. POP3 requires your mail server to keep a mailbox for you. When you want your mail, your mail client uses POP3 to collect the mail from the server and places it on your local computer in Inbox. Normally (depending on your settings) it will clear the mail from the server. IMAP is a more sophisticated protocol that allows a server to keep multiple mail folders on your behalf. Outlook Express can use IMAP to access the mail contained in these folders and move the items between the folders if you want. You can see subject lines without downloading the message. Rebol uses POP3 only (at this time). When you use Rebol to collect your mail it returns a value in the Rebol program which represent your mail. You then need to do something with that. If you want to clear the mail on the server with Rebol you can but you must do so explicitly (see the manual). I hope that answers your question. Brett.

 [3/4] from: grantwparks:y:ahoo at: 26-Sep-2000 13:04

Aha. Where I was going with that was I wanted to be able to pull down all my REBOL posts, which are already being moved by my original mail program to a subfolder (I didn't want to turn off that auto-move). So right now it sounds like I must do that in my Yahoo reader in order to access from REBOL. (I tried adding the /folder name as reduced onto the opened port!, and tracing showed that value referenced by a word 'path, but still no go.) Thanks --- [brett--codeconscious--com] wrote:

 [4/4] from: brett:codeconscious at: 27-Sep-2000 11:12

> Aha. Where I was going with that was I wanted to be > able to pull down all my REBOL posts, which are > already being moved by my original mail program to a > subfolder (I didn't want to turn off that auto-move). > So right now it sounds like I must do that in my Yahoo > reader in order to access from REBOL.
I haven't used the Yahoo reader, but your post indicates it allows subfolders and message rules. Getting the Yahoo reader to move all your Rebol posts to a subfolder may not work either. Why? Because the Yahoo reader is probably just another mail client in the sense I used it in my earlier post. If you make your change as you suggest can you configure your original mail program to collect your posts and move them appropriately. If no, Rebol won't work either. If Yahoo associates a username with each subfolder - then OK go for it. Or if you can have multiple accounts each with its own POP3 username/password then designate one for use with the Rebol list. Brett. (I tried adding