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For how long? (was: URL-Query)

 [1/3] from: hallvard::ystad-oops::as::no at: 26-Feb-2005 20:32

OK, I didn't receive my last post in the URL-Query thread, and checked I didn't receive #37983 ...but hey, I didn't receive #37976 either, and I got some of the messages in this thread in the reverse order. For how long shall we need to use this ML that randomly swallows our emails or sends them into black holes? Is RT reading this? Ever? Do they not have enough test material now? Just wondering. Again! Or better: Still! HY Dixit Dirk Weyand (10.42 25.02.2005):

 [2/3] from: Izkata::Comcast::net at: 26-Feb-2005 19:03

They ought to make their own mailing list server (like was used some time ago) and place it onto the same server that does (IMO lol) Any other suggestions?

 [3/3] from: SunandaDH::aol::com at: 28-Feb-2005 2:13

> For how long shall we need to use this ML that randomly swallows our emails > or sends them into black holes? Is RT reading this? Ever? Do they not
> enough test material now?
And I sent a message between 37969 and 37970 about the Altme outage. Doesn't look like anyone got that -- including I think the bets thing to do is send RT a feedback message each time you find a problem....Otherwise they might think their last tweak fixed it, Sunanda.