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 [1/3] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 5-Jul-2001 12:58

Given a set of M "index" values, what's the simplest way to cycle through them, both forward and backward? In the two commonest cases, the M values might occupy either the range 0 thru M - 1 or the range 1 thru M. Let N0F, N0B, N1F, and N1B hold the current counters for all combinations of ranges and directions. ------ range of ------ direction 0 .. m - 1 1 .. m --------- ---------- -------- forward n0f n1f backward n0b n1b The simplest possibilities I've found for putting these variables through their paces are: Pure Arithmetic: n0f: (n0f + 1) // m n0b: (n0b + m - 1) // m n1f: (n1f // m) + 1 n1b: (n1b + m - 2) // m + 1 Expressional: n0f: either m - 1 = n0f [0] [n0f + 1] n0b: either 0 = n0b [m - 1] [n0b - 1] n1f: either m = n1f [1] [n1f + 1] n1b: either 1 = n1b [m] [n1b - 1] Imperative: n0f: n0f + 1 if n0f = m [n0f: 0] if n0b = 0 [n0b: m] n0b: n0b - 1 n1f: n1f + 1 if n1f > m [n1f: 1] n1b: n1b - 1 if n1b = 0 [n1b: m] For example, using the pure arithmetic version:
>> n0f: n0b: n1f: n1b: 1
== 1
>> m: 5
== 5
>> loop 15 [
[ print [n0f n0b n1f n1b] [ set [n0f n0b n1f n1b] reduce [ [ (n0f + 1) // m (n0b + m - 1) // m [ (n1f // m) + 1 (n1b + m - 2) // m + 1 [ ] [ ] 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 5 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 0 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 5 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 0 2 5 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 5 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 0 2 5 2 = [1 1 1 1] A comparison of these options, along with relative timings based on a 3,000,000 cycle benchmark, includes the following observations: Option Time Pro Con --------------- ---- ---------------- ------------------ Pure Arithmetic 1.00 * Fastest * Least obvious to * Most compact casual reader Expressional 1.31 * Most obvious * Slowest Imperative 1.15 * Somewhat obvious * Can't be used as subexpressions Other observations or alternative calculations are welcomed. -jn- -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Programming languages: compact, powerful, simple ... Pick any two! joel'dot'neely'at'fedex'dot'com

 [2/3] from: jeff::rebol::net at: 6-Jul-2001 6:12

> Given a set of M "index" values, what's the simplest way to > cycle through them, both forward and backward?
A set of M 'index' values -- you mean a block? b: copy [1 2 3 ... m] ;-- or b: copy [0 1 2 3 ... (m - 1)] forever [ forall b [print index? b] until [print index? b head? b: back b] ] -jeff

 [3/3] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 6-Jul-2001 13:33

Jeff Kreis wrote:
> > Given a set of M "index" values, what's the simplest way to > > cycle through them, both forward and backward? > > "A set of M 'index' values" -- you mean a block? >
No, I was referring to manipulating the value of a counter. Given a variable set to an integer within a restricted range of M values (either 0 .. M-1 or 1 .. M), what is the simplest way to step that variable to the next or previous value within the range, with "wrap-around" at either end of the range. If the range is 0 .. 4, then successive steps forward from 3 would produce 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, ... If the range is 1 .. 5, then successive steps backward from 3 would produce 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4, ... Hope that's clearer. -jn- ___________________________________________________________________ The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers! - R. W. Hamming joel'dot'neely'at'fedex'dot'com