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How best to debug REBOL?

 [1/3] from: abcoates:TheOffice at: 1-May-2004 11:30

I'm sure this is an FAQ (so apologies in advance), but I haven't found an answer in any of the FAQs. Is there an interactive way of debugging REBOL, or any way beyond adding print statements? I'm trying to understand the workings of the REBOL CGI scripts for a blog/weblog app called "Vanilla", and I would like to be able to step through the execution line by line and see what the values are at each stage. So, if anyone can give me any pointers, I would be grateful. I'm just concerned I've missed something painfully obvious. Thanks in advance, Cheers, Tony.

 [2/3] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 2-May-2004 10:15

Hi Tony, ABC> I'm sure this is an FAQ (so apologies in advance), but I haven't found an ABC> answer in any of the FAQs. Is there an interactive way of debugging ABC> REBOL, or any way beyond adding print statements? Check out the TRACE function. Be aware that it can produce *volumes* of output though. ABC> ...I would like to be able to step through the execution line by ABC> line and see what the values are at each stage. It might be possible to produce a step-trace mode for REBOL by using DO/NEXT, but there are going to be difficulties with any kind of debugger based on a "static code" model/mentality. HTH! -- Gregg

 [3/3] from: henrik:webz:dk at: 8-May-2004 12:46

Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hi Tony, > ABC> I'm sure this is an FAQ (so apologies in advance), but I haven't found an
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> DO/NEXT, but there are going to be difficulties with any kind of > debugger based on a "static code" model/mentality.
A very different approach which only works with View applications certainly sped up bugfixing for me: You can stop the program, either by pressing escape in the console or by generating an error, change program code and start it again with do-events. That's very handy, if you need to initialize something every time you run your program. You don't spend time on that, and you can focus on the bug. I use a texteditor with my program code, and if you need to change a function, just make the changes and paste it into the console. do-events will start the program again. It's not particularly revolutionary. I just tried it and found it to be an incredible time saver. :-) -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

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