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[] Recent changes

 [1/13] from: rebol:rebol:Mon:Oct:12:06:31:47:2009 at: 12-Oct-2009 4:31

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= core-email.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- added a /reply option --title: Core Email --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A simple email program that can run in REBOL/Core - entirely at the command line (no VID GUI components or View graphics are required). You can store configuration information for as many email accounts as you'd like in the "accounts" block, and easily [...] --url: georss.r --change: updated script --title: GeoRSS converter --owners: piotrgapinsk --author: pijoter --purpose: Converts GeoRSS xml to GPX/KML/OziExplorer formats --url: jeopardy.r --change: updated script -- added info about the "sizer" variable, which allows the entire layout to be resized to fit different screens. --title: Jeopardy --owners: notchent --author: none --purpose: A GUI game reminiscent of the popular TV show. Click on the header image to create and save config files which contain questions and answers to separate games. Change the "sizer" variable to resize the entire layout to fit different screens. Taken from [...] --url: phototrackr-converter.r --change: updated script --title: PhotoTrackr DPL converter --owners: piotrgapinsk --author: --purpose: Converts memory dumps of the PhotoTrackr GPS (DPL) logger to OziExplorer/GPX formats --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --12-Oct-2009

 [2/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Nov:8:02:17:18:2009 at: 8-Nov-2009 0:16

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= convertitore.r --change: updated script -- Corrected volume panel (cl, ml conversion) --title: Unit converter --owners: crazyaxe --author: Massimiliano Vessi --purpose: "The best unit converter on earth!" --url: intercom.r --change: new script --title: Intercom (Voice Communicator) --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A walkie-talkie push-to-talk type of VOIP application. Extremely simple - just records sound from mic to .wav file, then transfers the wave file to another IP (where the same program is running), for playback. Sender and receiver open in separate processes, [...] --url: sound-recorder.r --change: new script --title: Sound Recorder --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Demonstrates how to record sounds using MCI. Plays back the recorded sound using a native REBOL sound port. From the tutorial at --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --8-Nov-2009

 [3/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Nov:15:15:10:43:2009 at: 15-Nov-2009 13:10

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= intercom.r --change: updated script --title: Intercom (Voice Communicator) --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A walkie-talkie push-to-talk type of VOIP application. Extremely simple - just records sound from mic to .wav file, then transfers the wave file to another IP (where the same program is running), for playback. Sender and receiver open in separate processes, [...] --url: mci-play-avi-.r --change: new script --title: Play AVI Video with MCI --owners: notchent --author: none --purpose: Demonstrates how to play AVI video files using Windows API mciExecute. (Video codec in demo video is MS-CRAM (Microsoft Video 1), audio is PCM). For more information about mciExecute commands, Google "multimedia command strings" and see: Taken [...] --url: templating.r --change: new script --title: Templating --owners: trepmag --author: Cedric G. --purpose: Use a template (a master html document) to maintain child document(s) that hold individual editable content(s). Editable content are delimited by the following two tags: <!-- b_editable name="title1" --> <!-- e_editable name="title1" --> --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --15-Nov-2009

 [4/13] from: rebol:rebol:Mon:Nov:23:02:06:24:2009 at: 22-Nov-2009 23:42

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= ocr.r --change: new script --title: Rebol OCR --owners: ldci --author: François Jouen --purpose: use free tesseract OCR with rebol The Tesseract OCR engine was one of the top 3 engines in the 1995 UNLV Accuracy test. Between 1995 and 2006 it had little work done on it, but it is probably one of the most accurate open source OCR engines available. The [...] --url: sitebuilder.cgi --change: new script --change: updated script --title: CMS - web site builder --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages on your web site. Upload existing content files or use the built-in WSYIWYG HTML editor (from to layout pages visually, without having to write any code. It works just like a word processor, [...] --url: voice-alarms.r --change: new script --change: updated script --title: Voice Alarms --owners: notchent --author: Nick Antonaccio --purpose: Record your voice or other sounds to be played as alarms for any number of multiple events. Save and Load event lists. All alarm sounds repeat until stopped. Record yourself saying 'wake up you lazy bum' or 'hey dude, get up and walk the dog', then set [...] --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --22-Nov-2009

 [5/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Nov:29:02:40:50:2009 at: 29-Nov-2009 0:40

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= massmailer.r --change: updated script -- better --title: Mass mailer --owners: crazyaxe --author: Massimiliano Vessi --purpose: "Mass emailng the world! Modify boundary if you use attachments." --url: sitebuilder.cgi --change: updated script --title: CMS - web site builder --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Easily create, edit, and arrange HTML pages on your web site. Upload existing content files or use the built-in WSYIWYG HTML editor (from to layout pages visually, without having to write any code. It works just like a word processor, [...] --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --29-Nov-2009

 [6/13] from: Tom:Conlin::gmail at: 29-Nov-2009 0:15

I *really* do not like spam or my favorite language and resources being used to support spammers. I have had my own rebol mass mailer for years and it does get used to send mail to thousands of (opt in) addresses several times a year ... But I would never blindly hand the code out to those who might use to inflict themselves on others. Massimiliano please consider voluntarily raising the bar for access to to your very well done program that makes it unfortunately easy for spammers to abuse. Library people please consider a "do no harm" policy for scripts included the public resource. I realize this is a very thin line to tread and censorship has it own problems. But for Rebol to become known as the spammers best friend (even if it very well could be) is not the sort of advocacy I think is good for Rebol. Thank you. Tom Conlin wrote:

 [7/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Dec:6:13:10:34:2009 at: 6-Dec-2009 11:10

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= 3d-game.r --change: new script --title: Little 3D Game --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Try to click the bouncing REBOLs as many times as possible in 30 seconds. The speed increases with each click! The 3D logic and calculations in this script were taken directly from Gregory Pecheret's "ebuc-cube" script, at: This [...] --url: base58.r --change: new script --title: Encode/Decode Base58 --owners: chrisrg --author: Christopher Ross-Gill --purpose: To Encode Integers as Base58. Used by some URL shortening services. --url: binary-file-transfer.r --change: new script --title: Binary File Transfer --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Demonstrates how to transfer binary files between 2 computers connected by a TCP port. This is a shortened version of the script explained at . There are 2 separate programs here - one to run as server, [...] --url: extract-urls.r --change: new script --change: documentation added or updated --title: Extract URLs --owners: chrisrg --author: Christopher Ross-Gill --purpose: To identify and extract URIs from plain text --url: guitar-chords.r --change: new script --change: updated script --title: Guitar Chords --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Create and print instant guitar chord diagram charts for songs. Taken from the tutorial at --url: multi-column-data-grids.r --change: new script --title: Multiple Column Data Grids --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A demonstration of how to create your own home made "listview" types of multiple column data grids. Easier to use than the 'list style, and built entirely using native VID, so completely adjustable to your needs. Many useful features are demonstrated, [...] --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent documentation: =======end======= --The Library People --6-Dec-2009

 [8/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Dec:13:20:04:37:2009 at: 13-Dec-2009 18:04

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= bnf-compiler.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- having fun with the documentation --title: BNF grammar compiler --owners: moliad --author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch --purpose: convert BNF grammar to REBOL parse rules --url: guitar-chords.r --change: updated script --title: Guitar Chords --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: Create and print instant guitar chord diagram charts for songs. Taken from the tutorial at --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --13-Dec-2009

 [9/13] from: rebol:rebol:Sun:Dec:20:10:00:40:2009 at: 20-Dec-2009 8:00

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= extract-urls.r --change: documentation added or updated --title: Extract URLs --owners: chrisrg --author: Christopher Ross-Gill --purpose: To identify and extract URIs from plain text --url: rebtut-indexer.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- Added authorship --change: documentation added or updated --title: A keyword based search engine for the Rebtutorial articles index page --owners: gerardcote --author: Gerard Cote --purpose: Was tired looking up visually the index page for any article containing a specific keyword. For now the script loads and parses the original articles' index page duirectly from the web site, splitting URL links apart from their descriptions, [...] --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: recent documentation: =======end======= --The Library People --20-Dec-2009

 [10/13] from: rebol:rebol:Wed:Dec:30:13:58:18:2009 at: 30-Dec-2009 11:57

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= convertitore.r --change: updated script -- added grams --title: Unit converter --owners: crazyaxe --author: Massimiliano Vessi --purpose: "The best unit converter on earth!" --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --30-Dec-2009

 [11/13] from: rebol:rebol:Tue:Jan:12:17:26:28:2010 at: 12-Jan-2010 15:26

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= massmailer.r --change: updated script -- added check emails --title: Mass mailer --owners: crazyaxe --author: Massimiliano Vessi --purpose: "Mass emailng the world! Modify boundary if you use attachments." --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --12-Jan-2010

 [12/13] from: rebol:rebol:Tue:Jan:19:21:11:37:2010 at: 19-Jan-2010 19:11

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= playing-card-framework.r --change: new script --title: Generic Playing Card Game Framework --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A simple demonstration of how to use the images in %playing-cards.r to create card games. In this example, the cards are arranged in a way that can be used to play the game of Freecell. The rules of that particular game are not enforced in this example, [...] --url: playing-cards.r --change: new script --title: Playing Card Images --owners: notchent --author: Nick --purpose: A data block of playing card images. Use the following code to view: do %playing-cards.r gui: [size 670x510 backdrop 0.150.0 across ] foreach [card label num color pos] cards [ append gui compose [ at (pos) image load to-binary decompress (card) ] view [...] --url: tiny-paint-programs.r --change: updated script --title: Tiny Paint Programs --owners: notchent --author: none --purpose: Three different small paint programs, including the shortest possible one-liner. Taken from the tutorial at --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --19-Jan-2010

 [13/13] from: rebol:rebol:Wed:Jan:27:00:54:50:2010 at: 26-Jan-2010 22:54

[REBOL] [] Recent changes This is an automatic email from, the REBOL Script Library to notify you of recent changes to the Library. =======changes======= couchdb3.r --change: new script --change: updated script -- rebol-to-json: nested objects, rebol-to-json: problem in escape-string --title: CouchDB Client --owners: iho --author: Ingo Hohmann --purpose: Use couchdb as a datastore ( ) --url: =======additional information======= new and updated scripts: =======end======= --The Library People --26-Jan-2010