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Where do Web servers hide their Web?

 [1/11] from: al:bri:xtra at: 10-Nov-2000 21:05

Sharriff asked:
> Excuse the naive question but: > > >>save %testfile.txt > connecting to: > > Can someone tell me where REBOL puts the file? I´ve tried it at home and
at work, the file is nowhere to be found on my Webserver configured as Localhost. Yes , I´ve tried using its DNS Name:
> >>write http://isis/ %testfile.txt ( or save http://isis %testfile.txt) > and I´ve searched "Hi and Lo" in every directory for the file-> nothing!. > Reading an existing file works though...
Rebol send the file to your web server at tcp port 80 as bits and bytes. What the webserver does with those bits and bytes, which are highly likely to not be a valid http request, is nothing. It might send back a client error message, but Rebol has not been told to look for it. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [2/11] from: sharriff:aina:med-iq at: 10-Nov-2000 8:53

How can I write files or create directorys over HTTP then? Cheers Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG "Andrew Martin" An: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> <[Al--Bri--xtra]. Kopie:> Thema: [REBOL] Where do Web servers hide their Web? Gesendet von: rebol-bounce@ 10.11.00 21:05 Bitte antworten an rebol-list Sharriff asked:
> Excuse the naive question but: > > >>save %testfile.txt > connecting to: > > Can someone tell me where REBOL puts the file? I´ve tried it at home and
at work, the file is nowhere to be found on my Webserver configured as Localhost. Yes , I´ve tried using its DNS Name:
> >>write http://isis/ %testfile.txt ( or save http://isis %testfile.txt) > and I´ve searched "Hi and Lo" in every directory for the file->
> Reading an existing file works though...
Rebol send the file to your web server at tcp port 80 as bits and bytes. What the webserver does with those bits and bytes, which are highly likely to not be a valid http request, is nothing. It might send back a client error message, but Rebol has not been told to look for it. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [3/11] from: al:bri:xtra at: 10-Nov-2000 22:21

Sharriff asked:
> How can I write files or create directorys over HTTP then?
Check out the "POST" method for your webserver (that'll only do part of the job though). Alternatively, look at WikiWikiWiki, Ka Ping Yee's CritSuite, Xerox's Sparrow/RiceBird. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [4/11] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 10-Nov-2000 22:27

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 08:53:48 +0000 [Sharriff--Aina--med-iq--de] wrote:
> How can I write files or create directorys over HTTP > then? >
I do some debugging by write %foo.txt cgi-request and foo.txt should appear in the same directory as Rebol is installed ( under win32 ) given sufficient security settings. -- Graham Chiu

 [5/11] from: johnkenyon:ibm at: 10-Nov-2000 10:07

Sharriff, If you are using Apache have a look at I am guessing that 'write http://url %file uses PUT Cheers, John 8<-- How can I write files or create directorys over HTTP then? Cheers Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG

 [6/11] from: sharriff:aina:med-iq at: 10-Nov-2000 10:17

Thanks John, but I´m using "XITAMI" from IMATIX, also freeware, easier to install and administer. Does that mean that it´s a property that differs among webservers? REBOL "read " or "loads" according to standardised schemes, I thought it would be the same in reverse. This is another reason why I´m looking for a REBOL based Webserver, I would now have to parse the XITAMI .CFG file to add FTP users and rights, not a clean solution. Much thanks Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG [johnkenyon--uk] An: [rebol-list--rebol--com] Gesendet von: Kopie: rebol-bounce@ Thema: [REBOL] Re: Antwort: Where do Web servers hide their Web? 10.11.00 10:07 Bitte antworten an rebol-list Sharriff, If you are using Apache have a look at I am guessing that 'write http://url %file uses PUT Cheers, John 8<-- How can I write files or create directorys over HTTP then? Cheers Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG

 [7/11] from: al:bri:xtra at: 10-Nov-2000 23:50

Here's a HTML form that can send a file to the server: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method=post action="cgi-bin/save_file.r"> File: <input type=file size=20 name=the_file> </form> It's taken from the Koala book from O'Reilly. What the server or cgi does with the file, is up to the server or cgi. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [8/11] from: sharriff:aina:med-iq at: 10-Nov-2000 11:03

I know can send data by just writing the right encrytion type. I cut and pasted another enctype from GMX; "enctype="multipart/binary" for example. I know that GET or POST would would work if all that I would want to do is send files to the server, but what I want is a method to write directorys and files from REBOL programatically. Something like a very simplified WebDAV procedure Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG

 [9/11] from: johnkenyon::uk::ibm::com at: 10-Nov-2000 11:48

>Does that mean that it´s a property that differs >among webservers?
Yes, I believe so. I think the main reason many web servers do not support PUT is down to security. A rebol based web server may hold the answer. Cheers, John 8<-- Thanks John, but I´m using "XITAMI" from IMATIX, also freeware, easier to install and administer. Does that mean that it´s a property that differs among webservers? REBOL "read " or "loads" according to standardised schemes, I thought it would be the same in reverse. This is another reason why I´m looking for a REBOL based Webserver, I would now have to parse the XITAMI .CFG file to add FTP users and rights, not a clean solution. Much thanks Sharriff Aina information & quality in healthcare AG

 [10/11] from: coussement:c:itc:mil:be at: 13-Nov-2000 8:52

Hi list: It's for sure a newbie question but ... what's the meaning of 'wiki' within the REBOLution ? I read it lot of time, but never found explainations ! Kind Regards, C. COUSSEMENT

 [11/11] from: deadzaphod:ho:tmail at: 14-Nov-2000 2:02

> I know can send data by just writing the right encrytion type. I cut and > pasted another enctype from GMX; "enctype="multipart/binary" for example. I > know that GET or POST would would work if all that I would want to do is > send files to the server, but what I want is a method to write directorys > and files from REBOL programatically. Something like a very simplified > "WebDAV" procedure
That is not a exactly part of HTTP. The protocol includes the PUT method, which some servers support as a way to upload files, but the semantics of using it are not standardized or widely supported. Also, allowing FTP access to a machine is the job of an FTP server, and is entirely separate from serving up web pages.