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key codes

 [1/2] from: hijim::pronet::net at: 4-Jul-2001 19:15

Does anyone know if it's possible to make a button to emulate cursor movement and scroll keys (page-up and page-down, home and end, line-up and line-down) in a text area? What are the codes for these keys? How to point these to the text area? I want to try this as an alternative to a slider. Thanks, Jim

 [2/2] from: jean:holzammer:faedv-n:bayern at: 5-Jul-2001 7:48

>Does anyone know if it's possible to make a button to emulate
>movement and scroll keys (page-up and page-down, home and end,
>and line-down) in a text area? What are the codes for these keys?
How to
>point these to the text area?
I thought these keys are not supported cause they don't fit into the approach of rebol to be platform independant. But when you open the builtin text editor using editor %filename you will experience that POS1,END,PageUp are functional ! But I can't tell you how to do.. Jean