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Distributed agent simulation

 [1/2] from: jackseay::earthlink::net at: 22-Sep-2000 20:13

Yes, I'm very interested. Where can I find out more? Sounds like a Linda implementation in Rebol, which I have been looking forward to seeing since I first heard of Rebol. [p_trotter--yahoo--com] said at Ò[REBOL] New Stuff Re:Ó. [Sep/22/2000Fri 19:41] - - If anyone is interested I'm working on distributed -agent based simulation systems - enabling you to host -a large single discrete event simulation over a number -of networked PC's. The networked pc's provide a -common simulation environment and the agents are -mobile within it (meaning they can move from one PC to -the next within the confines of a simulation host). -The project is currently at design stage with -architecture and dialect design due for completion by -late october. Current activity is lagerly focused on -porting older existing C based prototype into REBOL -extending functionality and testing. - -Once the design and new REBOL prototype code is -finished, I'll happily release the code for comments -and feedback if anyone is interested. ------------------ Jack Seay [jackseay--usa--net]

 [2/2] from: p_trotter:ya:hoo at: 23-Sep-2000 1:05

Jack, its not quite a LINDA implementation - though some of the concepts do equate. A simulation space provides similar fnctionality to a tuple space in that its a common envionment and the agent host provides interprocess comms and stuff. The big difference is that agents communicate via messages rather than through manipulation of a shared memory space (at least as traditionally conceived in C-Linda). Architecturally the systen lies in the space defined by the Sante Fe Institutes' Swarm project, MIT's HIVE and the Tech. University of Berlin's Grasshopper agent platform. The original version in C was designed about five years ago for ecological simulation - REBOL lets me tidy up,simplify and extend much of the code ( though admittedly provides a few learning headaches at the same time). as for more info - the project is commercially based, though all participants have agreed to release code and docs after initial phases are complete. The project web site is scheduled to go public the in late Otober and I'll publish the URL here and add you to the email news list. PT