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Console bombs in RebolView

 [1/3] from: maruadventurer:g:mail at: 19-Dec-2009 17:41

I have just unpacked RebolView. I am using the 2.7.6 Debian Libc6 version on Crunchbang Linux. I have set preferences and I can see the various folders and run applications there. However every time I go to select the Console the program exits. Any clues as to what could be the problem? Thanks. JohnMc

 [2/3] from: nick:guitarz at: 19-Dec-2009 19:08

This is a stab in the dark, but have you checked: (don't even know what version of REBOL this is for, but may be a starting point)... Quoting john mcginnis <>:

 [3/3] from: maruadventurer::gmail at: 19-Dec-2009 21:29

Nick, Thanks. I independently had determined that I was missing a lib and corrected the problem. Seems you also have to do a "./rebview +i" to install the application. Once I did that it appears that the console app works. Haven't seen that in any docs so far. I just stumpled across it in a mail list conversation. Thanks for the assist. JohnMc On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Nick Antonaccio <> wrote: