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Messages for Jun-2001

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 Thu, 7 philb:upnawayPossible bug in inform layout ??
 etienne:alaurent:freeRe: PREZ dialect
 arolls:bigpond:auRe: Onwards and Upwards
 arolls::bigpond::net::auRe(2): REBOL Web Browser Plugin (Alpha) - it just starts view with the s
 arolls:bigpond:auRe: how to do simple exclusive open -- don't use negative logic
 Wed, 6 trader-boy::hotpop::comView LAN connection
 jeff:rebolRe: PREZ dialect
 jeff:rebolRe: got my brainfart parse answer
 sterling::rebol::comRe: Possible bug in inform layout ??
 sterling::rebol::comNetscape Plugin Update
 timewarp:siriusgot my brainfart parse answer
 john::schuhr::comRe: Stupid Parse Tricks
 depotcity:telusRebol Marketing Site
 larry:ecotopeRe: On mutability and sameness
 larry:ecotopeRe: On mutability and sameness
 joel:neely:fedexRe: On mutability and sameness
 joel:neely:fedexRe: On mutability and sameness
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: brainfart parse problem
 gjones05:mail:orionRe: brainfart parse problem
 agem:crosswindsRe: On mutability and sameness
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