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Messages for Sep-2001

<< 2000Jan · Feb · Mar · Apr · May · Jun · Jul · Aug · [ Sep ] · Oct · Nov · Dec2002 >>
 Tue, 25 ralph::abooks::comRe: Evaluating words...
 twatkins:datajunctionRe: Evaluating words...
 mgkiourt:otenet:grEvaluating words...
 jasonic::panix::comRe: Thinking Rebol: WAS {Re: Re: New Rugby based chat client}
 cyphre:volny:czstrange behaviour of 'MOLD ?!?!
 tim::johnsons-web::comRe: What can be found on web .../WHAT!!
 koopmans:itr:ing:nlRe: New Rugby based chat client
 holger:rebolRe: New Rugby based chat client
 holger:rebolRe: ftp protocol
 holger:rebolRe: Unicode?
 giesse:writemeRe: What can be found on web ...
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Parsing for fun and profit
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: What can be found on web ...
 hallvard:ystad:helpinhandRe: Need help for justification of using REBOL as dev language
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Parsing for fun and profit
 warp::reboot::chRe: Need help for justification of using REBOL as dev language
 al:bri:xtraRe: Windows command line
 gchiu:compkaroriRe: New Rugby based chat client
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: make-doc-pro: how to handle tables?
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Parsing for fun and profit
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