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Messages for Sep-2001

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 Fri, 14 greggirwin::starband::netRe: documentation of dialects
 greggirwin:starbandRe: draw question
 ammoncooke:ya:hooRe: What does it mean/
 hijim:pronetRe: Plug-in Scripts
 joel:neely:fedexRe: This is a bug?
 joel::neely::fedex::comRe: Context - ...etc...
 joel:neely:fedexRe: documentation of dialects
 hallvard:ystad:helpinhandRe: compression
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Context - code included- 2nd version
 gchiu:compkaroriRe: draw question
 carl:cybercraftRe: compression
 hallvard:ystad:helpinhanddocumentation of dialects
 petr::krenzelok::trz::czNew info posted to rebol website ...
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Context - code included- 2nd version
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Context - code included- 2nd version
 gchiu:compkaroridraw question
 gchiu:compkarorilist problems?
 Thu, 13 tim::johnsons-web::comMSHTML Material
 meta:dimensionalRe: Licensing
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