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Messages for Sep-2001

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 Tue, 11 lmecir::mbox::vol::czRe: Rebol Framework suggestion
 john::thousand-hills::netprint at address?
 ryanc:iesco-dmsRe: bit shifts
 matt:blisRe: It's here! Rebol Internet OS!
 tim:johnsons-webRe: It's here! Rebol Internet OS!
 hallvard:ystad:helpinhandRe: It's here! Rebol Internet OS!
 hallvard::ystad::helpinhand::combit shifts
 greggirwin:starbandRe: It's here! Rebol Internet OS!
 tim::johnsons-web::comRe: Block member as a mutable variable (question)
 slok00:yaho:oRe: SSCA
 jean:holzammer:faedv-n:bayernRe: tcp ports and buffer size? Holger?
 cribbsj:oakwoodRe: ANN: RebolBase (db.r)
 giesse::writeme::comRe: SSCA
 cribbsj::oakwood::orgNew version of RebolBase
 dockimbel:freeRe: to-hex
 slok00::yahoo::comRe: REBOL/view Browser Plug-in
 louisaturk:coxinetRe: It's here! Rebol Internet OS!
 hallvard::ystad::helpinhand::comRe: to-hex
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: IOS - the product list?
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