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Messages for Sep-2001

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 Sat, 8 karlr20:homeBinding operators
 rotenca:telvia:itContext - code included- 2nd version
 raven:swipnet:se[ALLY] XML and REBOL
 Fri, 7 allenk:powerup:auRe: Little questions, big answers...
 carl:cybercrafttext block-marking
 carl:cybercraftRe: MAPLETS: Rollovers, Matrices, Smart-Maps and Reblets [long newbie qu
 greggirwin:starbandRe: can't quite get it right...
 john:thousand-hillsRe: View and the Internet
 john:thousand-hillsRe: View and the Internet
 mario:cassani:iclRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 m:koopmans2:chello:nlRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 arolls:bigpond:auRe: can't quite get it right...
 allenk:powerup:auRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 arolls:bigpond:auRe: View and the Internet
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: port and capture was: help from Dixon or others about port
 rotenca:telvia:itRe: port and capture was: help from Dixon or others about port
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: More Parsing questions
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: help from Dixon or others about port
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