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Messages for Sep-2001

<< 2000Jan · Feb · Mar · Apr · May · Jun · Jul · Aug · [ Sep ] · Oct · Nov · Dec2002 >>
 Thu, 6 arolls:bigpond:auRe: Little questions, big answers...
 greggirwin:starbandRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 greggirwin:starbandRe: Editing CSV files...
 greggirwin:starbandRe: More Parsing questions
 etienne:alaurent:freeRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 m:koopmans2:chello:nlRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 rotenca:telvia:ithelp from Dixon or others about port
 tim::johnsons-web::comRe: How to Send an Email Message as HTML?
 mario:cassani:iclRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 phil:hayes:cnutarchRe: Sandstorm
 m:koopmans2:chello:nlRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 cyphre:volny:czRe: ANN: Rugby again, whiping out SOAP
 pablohar:hotmai:lRe: More Parsing questions
 emptyhead::home::nlRemoving the download logo...
 dness:homeEditing CSV files...
 ammoncooke:y:ahooRe: System/Words
 greggirwin::starband::netRe: System/Words
 greggirwin:starbandRe: Editing CSV files...
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