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Messages for Jan-2002

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 Thu, 24 jeff:rebolRe: Translate this code into real Rebol?
 rotenca:telvia:itRe: parse vs. load/markup (a bit long)
 koopmans:itr:ing:nlANN: Rugby XPi beta1
 rotenca:telvia:itRe: Translate this code into real Rebol?
 joel:neely:fedexRe: parse vs. load/markup (a bit long)
 hallvard::ystad::helpinhand::comparse vs. load/markup (a bit long)
 koopmans:itr:ing:nlRe: Rugby XPi: The Next Generation
 sunandadh:aolRe: Make_user_manual.r ?
 sunandadh:aolRe: Plotting Dialect and Docs Available
 robert:muench:robertmuenchRe: Bypass Proxy for Rebol with Python
 brett:codeconsciousRe: Plotting Dialect and Docs Available
 lcdr:licholai:msc:navy:milRe: Plotting Dialect and Docs Available
 chalz:earthlinkRe: Plotting Dialect and Docs Available
 chalz:earthlinkRe: Rugby XPi : The next generation
 chalz:earthlinkRe: Rugby XPi : The next generation
 dado::slovkaufring::skRe: Rugby XPi : The next generation
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: Rugby XPi : The next generation
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: Rugby XPi : The next generation
 brett:codeconsciousRe: Translate this code into real Rebol?
 lcdr:licholai:msc:navy:milRe: Plotting Dialect and Docs Available
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