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Messages for May-2002

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 Mon, 27 edanaii:coxRe: Submitted, for your approval.
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: list! bug
 rotenca::telvia::itlist! bug
 brett:codeconsciousRe: help on Tooltips?
 rotenca:telvia:itRe: bug: not able to convert integer variable with to-binary
 ingo:2b1Re: /View (beta and before) bugs
 ingo:2b1Re: Submitted, for your approval.
 artus_fr::yahoo::frbug: not able to convert integer variable with to-binary
 ingo::2b1::dehelp on Tooltips?
 anton:lexiconRe: Submitted, for your approval.
 carl:cybercraftRe: Submitted, for your approval.
 john_kenyon:mlc:auRe: call cmd
 gchiu:compkaroriRe: Mail delays - was Re: Sorry about my mails
 carl:cybercraftRe: File-modes on different platforms
 Sun, 26 oliva:david:seznam:czRe: No framework library for rebol ?
 edanaii::cox::netSubmitted, for your approval.
 g:santilli:tiscalinet:itRe: strange load behaviour
 chris:langreiterRe: strange load behaviour
 chris:langreiterRe: local-request-file
 nitsch-lists:netcologneRe: strange load behaviour
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