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Messages for May-2002

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 Thu, 16 carl:cybercraftRe: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and eff
 rebolek:seznam:czRe: Text Editors?
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: REBOL momentum builds
 maryline:coste:linuxmotorRe: read news
 gchiu:compkaroriRe: REBOL momentum builds
 brett:codeconsciousRe: REBOL momentum builds
 rebol:optushome:auRe: read news
 carl:cybercraftRe: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and eff
 Wed, 15 tomc:darkwing:uoregonRe: read news
 tomc:darkwing:uoregonRe: SKIP with *very* large values
 tim:johnsons-webRe: REBOL momentum builds/Question/Comment
 greggirwin:mindspringSKIP with *very* large values
 gscottjones:mchsiRe: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and eff
 lmecir:mbox:vol:czRe: Obscure? You be the judge!
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: Obscure? You be the judge!
 larry:ecotopeRe: REBOL momentum builds
 carl::rebol::comREBOL momentum builds
 nitsch-lists:netcologneRe: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and eff
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: More REBOL IOS questions.
 gscottjones:mchsiRe: Hungarian Alphabet Sort (was Re: Collation sequence - proper and eff
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