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Messages for Dec-2002

<< 2001Jan · Feb · Mar · Apr · May · Jun · Jul · Aug · Sep · Oct · Nov · [ Dec ]2003 >>
 Thu, 12 g:santilli:tiscalinet:itRe: The fellowship of the Reb
 petr:krenzelok:trz:czRe: SDK
 carl:s:rebolRe: Intercept key press
 carl::s::rebol::comRe: The fellowship of the Reb
 ammon:addept:wsRe: SDK
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: Justifying text
 louisaturk:coxinetRe: Early Christmas present
 lennart:nylen:bizRe: SDK
 ptretter:charterRe: SDK
 gscottjones:mchsiRe: Early Christmas present
 ammon:addept:wsRe: SDK
 louisaturk:coxinetJustifying text
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: rebol protocol
 davidegessi::tin::itIntercept key press
 greggirwin::mindspring::comRe: CALL
 bry:itniskrebol protocol
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: SDK
 g:santilli:tiscalinet:itRe: SDK
 amicom::sonic::netEarly Christmas present
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