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Messages for Dec-2002

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 Thu, 12 carl:cybercraftRe: SDK
 anton:lexiconRe: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
 janko::mind-nest::comPING pong
 brett:codeconsciousRe: Best Language
 al:bri:xtraRe: rename with string as new argument ignores string offset
 al:bri:xtraRe: What is the difference...
 Wed, 11 edanaii:coxRe: OS X View?
 doncox:enterpriseRe: OS X View?
 doncox:enterpriseRe: OS X View?
 gerardcote:sympatico:caRe: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: PING pong
 ammon:addept:wsRe: What is the difference...
 greggirwin:mindspringRe: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
 tomc:darkwing:uoregonRe: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
 reboler:ifranceRe: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip
 g:santilli:tiscalinet:itRe: Best Language
 joel:neely:fedexRe: REBOL embedded $variables regexp/no
 rebol-list2::seznam::czRebol/view on CD
 joel:neely:fedexRe: Best Language
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