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tag index: d · domain

125 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  file-handling]

JPG analyse
5.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
To remove some data from the JPG files to make them smaller. For example files from Adobe contains so many other informations that the file is twice bigger than may be.
author: Oldes
REBOL External Application Launcher - self extracting archive
21.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
Launches external apps (using the C system() call) from any version of REBOL
author: Cal Dixon
Library data services
655 bytes
13 Aug 2004
Provides the client end of the Library Data Services interface
author: Sunanda
Load ini file
1.8 KB
18 Sep 2010
Parses a Window's ini file.
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Save to Mailbox File
mailboxsave.r1.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example reads email and appends it to a standard mailbox file (which can be read by most email apps).
author: [unknown]
Email a Text File
mailfile.r567 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Send a text file (as text of message).
author: [unknown]
Email Text Files
mailfiles.r763 bytes
13 Mar 2003
This example sends a group of text files as separate messages.
author: [unknown]
Email Files as Compressed
mailfilescomp.r1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
This example sends a group of files (binary or text) as a single compressed text message.
author: [unknown]
Save Email to File
mailsave.r701 bytes
13 Mar 2003
This example reads all email and saves it to a file.
author: [unknown]
REBOL Standard Document Formatter
9.3 KB
10 Jan 2005
(See MakeDoc2 for the latest version.) Converts very simple text file format into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons. Does the formatting so you can focus on the hard part: the words.
author: Carl Sassenrath
MP3 stream parser
6.4 KB
1 Apr 2009
MP3 parser with streaming input
author: Oldes
1.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
I have seen an ID3 reader in every language (C, Perl, Python, PHP), and decided I might as well write one for REBOL. It is very simplistic at the moment
author: Vache
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Converts standard MS DOS binary time to Rebol's one
author: Oldes
2.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
to navigate throw files, next versions will include web and ftp navigation
author: Gregory Pecheret
575 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Reads all .bmp files in a directory and saves them out as .png files.
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
Simple gzip archiver
1.1 KB
8 Jan 2013
Creates gzip archives, 1-line r3 version.
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Image viewer
622 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Displays a picture in a window. Click on it to select another one.
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Write a log file
741 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Logs Rebol values to a file named %Log.txt. I use 'Log to help debug CGI scripts. Use 'Log like: Log/clear now ; Start a new log file. ; What's the CGI query string contents? Log Rebol/options/cgi/query-string
author: Andrew Martin
web page links
580 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Load a web page, parse it to extract and print all links found
author: Christophe Coussement
Save console history
737 bytes
20 Jul 2003
Takes the history of input into the console and prints it out, line by line, to a file. This way you can paste in functions and whole scripts, and save them for viewing and editing. Sorts it to display the oldest commands at the top.
author: Saw it on the ML a while ago
Parse ini file
2.2 KB
15 Apr 2009
Parses a Window's ini file. Also a function to find entries in a parsed ini file
author: Sunanda
PhotoTrackr DPL converter
phototrackr-converter.r8.8 KB
27 Oct 2010
Converts memory dumps of the PhotoTrackr GPS (DPL) logger to OziExplorer/GPX formats
author: pijoter
PNG Examiner
5.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
Basic PNG (Portable Network Graphics) parser which can show all informations from standard chunks in the file.
author: oldes
Podcast Chopper
1.9 KB
28 Jan 2007
- downloads an MP3 podcast as a number of smaller files, so that listening to the file file may be resumed at a number of points
author: r vdZee
QkLaunch - Quick Program Launcher
2.7 KB
6 Jun 2007
Easily launch programs from folder structure acting as a menu.
author: Arie van Wingerden
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