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Archive version of: ai-geteway.r ... version: 2 ... sergey 10-Jul

Amendment note: The update includes two new AI models || Publicly available? Yes

    title: "Gateway for request to AI"
    File: %ai-geteway.r
    Date: 30-06-2024
    Version: 0.0.1
    Author: "Sergey Pochinok"
    Purpose: "A function that makes an AI request via the Internet and returns a response."
    EMail: []
    History: [
        0.0.1 [30-06-2024 "Started"]
        0.0.2 [10-07-2024 "The update includes two new AI models"]
    Category: [info]
    library: [
        level: 'intermediate 
        platform: 'all
        type: 'function
        domain: [ai text text-processing internet]
        tested-under: [core & view win & linux] 
        support: none
        license: 'BSD
        see-also: none

ai: func [ 
	"Text request to AI. Default uses Phind model" 
	request [string!] "request text"
	/blackboxai "uses BlackBox model"
	/koboldai "uses koboldcpp/HF_SPACE_Tiefighter-13B"
] [ 
	if all [blackboxai koboldai] [return "ERROR! Using both parameters at the same time will result in a conflict."]
	url: copy
	if blackboxai [url: copy]
	if koboldai [url: copy]
	return first parse/all read/custom url reduce ['post append copy "q=" request] "^(null)" 

; simple example of using the function
print ai "Hi. Tell us about yourself and the Rebol language"