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5-Feb 12:02 UTC
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[0.043] 10.875k
Archive version of: share-files.r ... version: 4 ... notchent 19-Jan-2014REBOL [ title: "Simple File Sharer" date: 19-Jan-2014 file: %share-files.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { I use it to send lists of files to clients' phones, PCs, or any other Internet device they may use. I text or email them the single short personal html file link created by the script, and they click the contained file links to download all their files. It's a stupid simple script and setup which requires only a single unstructured folder on any available web server, to handle all the files for any number of potential clients, but it's a huge time saver that gets used for so many different practical purposes, with so many people, in so many situations. It's much more universally usable and straightforward than a service such as Dropbox. No client software needs to be installed (just use any browser to download the files). } ] login: request-text/default "" filename: request-text/default "links.html" html: copy {} foreach f request-file [ print file: last split-path f write to-url join login file read f append html rejoin [ {<a href="} file {">} file {</a><br>} newline ] ] write/append html-file: to-url join login filename html editor html-file ; sometimes I re-arrange the order of the links browse replace replace html-file "ftp://" "http://" "public_html/" "" |