Script Library: 1247 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Import Script" Date: 26-Feb-2025 Version: 1.0.0 File: %import-script.r Author: Rights: "Annick ECUYER" Purpose: "Loads and runs a script inside a new context." History: [ 26-Feb-2025 "Annick" {Initial version} ] Usage: { new-context: import-script %my-script.r new-context/script-command args Examples : 1) fixes xpm.r to works with REBOL/View 2.7.8 import-script/patch/with %xpm.r [ reverse: func [value] [:value] ; byte order has changed in raw image data select: func [value item] [system/words/select/case value item] ; fix bug with case sensitive color names ] 'xpm-to-img ; import the main function into global context xpm-to-img %test.xpm 2) uses tiffLib.r without cluttering the global context: import-script/with %tifflib.r 'Write_Tiff_File Write_tiff_File logo.gif 3) It works with blocks of code too: >> t: "test" >> ctx: import-script [parse/all t [copy data to "s"]] >> probe ctx make object! [ data: "te" ] } Notes: { As REBOL is very flexible, it's impossible to implement all possible forms of changing words. So it's *not* a proper module system by itself, and for proper global context protection, protect / protect-system should be used too. The collected / bound words are limited to theses patterns : word: ... set 'word ... (parse) set word ... (parse) copy word ... Note that one can get the current list of global words by examining the system/words context: words: copy [] foreach word first :system/words [ if all [in system/words word value? (in system/words word)] [append words word] ] words } Library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [function tool] domain: [files extension parse security] tested-under: [view] support: none license: 'MIT see-also: none ] ] import-script: func [ "Loads and runs a script inside a new context." source [file! url! block!] "The script or code to import." /with imports [word! block!] "Import selected words to the global context." /patch code [block!] "Additional code to evaluate at import." /local set-words words rule import-actions pos vars ] [ if any [file? source url? source] [source: load source] imports: any [ all [with word? imports reduce [imports]] all [with block? imports imports] copy [] ] set-words: copy [] import-actions: copy [] pos: none parse source rule: [ some [ ; word: ... | set 'word ... | (parse) set word ... | (parse) copy word ... [set word pos: set-word! | 'set set word pos: lit-word! | 'set set word word! | 'copy set word word!] ( either find imports to-word word [ append set-words to-set-word rejoin [to-string to-word word "*"] either lit-word? word [change pos to-lit-word last set-words] [change pos last set-words] if not find import-actions to-lit-word word [ append import-actions compose [ set (to-lit-word word) (to-get-word last set-words) ] ] ][ append set-words to-set-word word ] pos: none ) | into rule | 1 skip ] ] set-words: unique set-words append set-words none context bind append ( append ( append set-words source ) either patch [code][[]] ) either with [import-actions] [[]] (in system/words 'system) ] system/script/header/version
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage