Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Safe CGI data retriever" Date: 21-may-2006 File: %safe-cgi-data-read.r Author: "Sunanda" Version: 0.0.2 Purpose: { Safely retrieves CGI GET or POST data into a REBOL object. } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [function how-to tool] domain: [cgi other-net] tested-under: [Windows UNIX] support: none license: 'mit see-also: none ] History: [ 0.0.1 21-may-2006 "Sunanda" "first release" 0.0.2 22-jun-2011 "Sunanda" "tweak by Peter Wood to allow running from console" ] ] safe-cgi-data-read: func [ "Safe way to read CGI parameter data" /template template-obj [object!] "Default values" /keep-blocks "Do not collapse blocks to strings" /no-trim "Do not trim whitespace" /refresh "Do not use cached data" /local cgi-string cgi-block cgi-object read-cgi temp ][ ;; ----------------------------- ;; Inner function -- copied from ;; ;; --------------------------------------------- read-cgi: func [ ;Read CGI data. Return data as string or NONE. /local data buffer ][ switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ data: make string! 1020 buffer: make string! 16380 while [positive? read-io system/ports/input buffer 16380][ append data buffer clear buffer ] ] "GET" [data: system/options/cgi/query-string] #[none] [data: system/script/args] ;; 0.0.2 -- Peter Wood's tweak ] data ] ;; ------------------------- ;; mainline code starts here ;; ------------------------- ;; ----------------------------------- ;; Read CGI -- unless we had it cached ;; already from a previous invocation ;; ----------------------------------- cgi-string: "" if refresh [clear cgi-string] if cgi-string = "" [temp: read-cgi if string? temp [append cgi-string temp]] ;; ------------------------------------------ ;; preprocess to fix bad ampersands and SELF= ;; ------------------------------------------ insert cgi-string "&" ;; insert to make life easier while [find cgi-string "&&"] [replace/all cgi-string "&&" "&"] replace cgi-string "&self=" "&__self=" cgi-string: copy next cgi-string ;; drop the inserted ampersand ;; ------------------------------ ;; create a block with decode-cgi ;; ------------------------------ ;; This may fail if the parameters ;; are badly formed -- like ;; "&=1" ;; decode-cgi may also return NONE ;; or a zero-length string if is no ;; cgi data to read cgi-block: copy [] attempt [cgi-block: decode-cgi cgi-string] if not block? cgi-block [cgi-block: copy []] ;; --------------------------------------- ;; Post-process the resulting data fields: ;; --------------------------------------- ;; -- changing blocks to strings, if requested ;; -- trimming whitespace, if requested for n 2 length? cgi-block 2 [ temp: cgi-block/:n if all [not keep-blocks block? temp][ temp: form temp ] if all [string? temp not no-trim] [trim/lines temp] poke cgi-block n temp ] ;; ---------------------------- ;; Heft into object, and return ;; ---------------------------- if not template [return make object! cgi-block] return construct/with cgi-block template-obj ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage